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  1. Arabidopsis root growth is stimulated by Piriformospora indica, phosphate limitation and inactivation of the WRKY6 transcription factor. Combinations of these factors induce unexpected alterations in root and sho...

    Authors: Madhunita Bakshi, Khabat Vahabi, Samik Bhattacharya, Irena Sherameti, Ajit Varma, Kai-Wun Yeh, Ian Baldwin, Atul Kumar Johri and Ralf Oelmüller
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:305
  2. Ripening in tomato is predominantly controlled by ethylene, whilst in fruit such as grape, it is predominantly controlled by other hormones. The ripening response of many kiwifruit (Actinidia) species is atypical...

    Authors: Peter A. McAtee, Annette C. Richardson, Niels J. Nieuwenhuizen, Kularajathevan Gunaseelan, Ling Hoong, Xiuyin Chen, Ross G. Atkinson, Jeremy N. Burdon, Karine M. David and Robert J. Schaffer
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:304
  3. Salinity–alkalinity stress is known to adversely affect a variety of processes in plants, thus inhibiting growth and decreasing crop yield. Polyamines protect plants against a variety of environmental stresses...

    Authors: Jianming Li, Lipan Hu, Li Zhang, Xiongbo Pan and Xiaohui Hu
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:303
  4. Trichomes, developed from the protodermal cells (the outermost cell layer of the embryo), are hair-like structures covering the aerial parts of plants. The genetic network regulating trichome development has b...

    Authors: Yupeng Pan, Kailiang Bo, Zhihui Cheng and Yiqun Weng
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:302
  5. Although miRNAs are reportedly involved in the salt stress tolerance of plants, miRNA profiling in plants has largely remained restricted to glycophytes, including certain crop species that do not exhibit any ...

    Authors: Sachin Ashruba Gharat and Birendra Prasad Shaw
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:301
  6. Sugarcane is one of the major crops worldwide. It is cultivated in over 100 countries on 22 million ha. The complex genetic architecture and the lack of a complete genomic sequence in sugarcane hamper the adop...

    Authors: Lucia Mattiello, Diego Mauricio Riaño-Pachón, Marina Camara Mattos Martins, Larissa Prado da Cruz, Denis Bassi, Paulo Eduardo Ribeiro Marchiori, Rafael Vasconcelos Ribeiro, Mônica T. Veneziano Labate, Carlos Alberto Labate and Marcelo Menossi
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:300
  7. For functional genomics studies, it is important to understand the dynamic expression profiles of transcribed genes in different tissues, stages of development and in response to environmental stimuli. The pro...

    Authors: Stephen Pearce, Hans Vazquez-Gross, Sayer Y. Herin, David Hane, Yi Wang, Yong Q. Gu and Jorge Dubcovsky
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:299
  8. Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades, which consist of three functionally associated protein kinases, namely MEKKs, MKKs and MPKs, are universal signaling modules in all eukaryotes and have been sh...

    Authors: Qiuming Song, Dayong Li, Yi Dai, Shixia Liu, Lei Huang, Yongbo Hong, Huijuan Zhang and Fengming Song
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:298
  9. Panax L. is a medicinally important genus within family Araliaceae, where almost all species are of cultural significance for traditional Chinese medicine. Previous studies suggested t...

    Authors: Feng-Xue Shi, Ming-Rui Li, Ya-Ling Li, Peng Jiang, Cui Zhang, Yue-Zhi Pan, Bao Liu, Hong-Xing Xiao and Lin-Feng Li
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:297
  10. Recent studies have reported agronomically useful ectopic effects for recombinant protease inhibitors expressed in leaves of transgenic plants, including improved tolerance to abiotic stress conditions and par...

    Authors: Aurélie Munger, Marie-Aube Simon, Moustafa Khalf, Marie-Claire Goulet and Dominique Michaud
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:296
  11. Arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs) are ubiquitous components of cell walls throughout the plant kingdom and are extensively post translationally modified by conversion of proline to hydroxyproline (Hyp) and by ad...

    Authors: Debarati Basu, Lu Tian, Wuda Wang, Shauni Bobbs, Hayley Herock, Andrew Travers and Allan M. Showalter
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:295
  12. Seeds use environmental cues such as temperature to coordinate the timing of their germination, allowing plants to synchronize their life history with the seasons. Winter chilling is of central importance to a...

    Authors: Yang Liu, Kerstin Müller, Yousry A. El-Kassaby and Allison R. Kermode
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:292
  13. Dates are tropical fruits with appreciable nutritional value. Previous attempts at global metabolic characterization of the date metabolome were constrained by small sample size and limited geographical sampli...

    Authors: Ilhame Diboun, Sweety Mathew, Maryam Al-Rayyashi, Mohamed Elrayess, Maria Torres, Anna Halama, Michaël Méret, Robert P. Mohney, Edward D. Karoly, Joel Malek and Karsten Suhre
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:291
  14. Gibberellins stimulate cell elongation and expansion during plant growth and development. Carrot is a root plant with great value and undergoes obvious alteration in organ size over the period of plant growth....

    Authors: Guang-Long Wang, Feng Que, Zhi-Sheng Xu, Feng Wang and Ai-Sheng Xiong
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:290
  15. Type VI glandular trichomes represent the most abundant trichome type on leaves and stems of tomato plants and significantly contribute to herbivore resistance, particularly in the wild species. Despite this, ...

    Authors: Nick Bergau, Stefan Bennewitz, Frank Syrowatka, Gerd Hause and Alain Tissier
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:289
  16. Starch from maize kernels has diverse applications in human and animal diets and in industry and manufacturing. To meet the demands of these applications, starch quantity and quality need improvement, which re...

    Authors: Tingting Wang, Min Wang, Shuting Hu, Yingni Xiao, Hao Tong, Qingchun Pan, Jiquan Xue, Jianbing Yan, Jiansheng Li and Xiaohong Yang
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:288
  17. Heterotrimeric G-proteins are important signalling switches, present in all eukaryotic kingdoms. In plants they regulate several developmental functions and play an important role in plant-microbe interactions...

    Authors: Sophie de Vries, Miguel Nemesio-Gorriz, Peter B. Blair, Magnus Karlsson, M. Shahid Mukhtar and Malin Elfstrand
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:287
  18. Jumonji C (JmjC) domain-containing proteins are a group of functionally conserved histone lysine demethylases in Eukaryotes. Growing evidences have shown that JmjCs epigenetically regulate various biological p...

    Authors: Yuxuan Hou, Liyuan Wang, Ling Wang, Lianmeng Liu, Lu Li, Lei Sun, Qiong Rao, Jian Zhang and Shiwen Huang
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:286
  19. The variation of growth and cold tolerance of two natural Arabidopsis accessions, Cvi (cold sensitive) and Rschew (cold tolerant), was analysed on a proteomic, phosphoproteomic and metabolomic level to derive cha...

    Authors: Matthias Nagler, Ella Nukarinen, Wolfram Weckwerth and Thomas Nägele
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:284
  20. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is a widely adapted perennial forage crop that has high biomass production potential. Enhanced cellulose content in alfalfa stems would increase the value of the crop as a bioenergy f...

    Authors: Deborah A. Samac, Bruna Bucciarelli, Susan S. Miller, S. Samuel Yang, Jamie A. O’Rourke, Sanghyun Shin and Carroll P. Vance
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:283
  21. In modern agriculture, the call for an alternative crop protection strategy increases because of the desired reduction of fungicide and pesticide use and the continuously evolving resistance of pathogens and p...

    Authors: Jana Viola Schilling, Britta Schillheim, Stefan Mahr, Yannik Reufer, Sandi Sanjoyo, Uwe Conrath and Jochen Büchs
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:282
  22. Ultraviolet B (UV-B) irradiation can influence many cellular processes. Irradiation with high UV-B doses causes chlorophyll degradation, a decrease in the expression of genes associated with photosynthesis and...

    Authors: Olga Sztatelman, Joanna Grzyb, Halina Gabryś and Agnieszka Katarzyna Banaś
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:281
  23. Red coloration of fruit skin is one of the most important traits in peach (Prunus persica), and it is mainly due to the accumulation of anthocyanins. Three MYB10 genes, PpMYB10.1, PpMYB10.2, and PpMYB10.3, have b...

    Authors: Pham Anh Tuan, Songling Bai, Hideaki Yaegaki, Takayuki Tamura, Seisuke Hihara, Takaya Moriguchi and Kenji Oda
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:280
  24. Postharvest fruit conservation relies on low temperatures and manipulations of hormone metabolism to maintain sensory properties. Peaches are susceptible to chilling injuries, such as ‘woolliness’ that is caus...

    Authors: Camila Pegoraro, Alice Tadiello, César L. Girardi, Fábio C. Chaves, Vera Quecini, Antonio Costa de Oliveira, Livio Trainotti and Cesar Valmor Rombaldi
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:279
  25. The ability of a plant to overcome animal-induced damage is referred to as compensation or tolerance and ranges from undercompensation (decreased fitness when damaged) to overcompensation (increased fitness wh...

    Authors: Madhura H. Siddappaji, Daniel R. Scholes, Sindhu M. Krishnankutty, Bernarda Calla, Steven J. Clough, Raymond E. Zielinski and Ken N. Paige
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:278
  26. Germplasm collections are an important source for plant breeding, especially in fruit trees which have a long duration of juvenile period. Thus, efforts have been made to study the diversity of fruit tree coll...

    Authors: Amir Sherman, Mor Rubinstein, Ravit Eshed, Miri Benita, Mazal Ish-Shalom, Michal Sharabi-Schwager, Ada Rozen, David Saada, Yuval Cohen and Ron Ophir
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:277
  27. Protein ubiquitination is a ubiquitous mechanism in eukaryotes. In Arabidopsis, ubiquitin modification is mainly mediated by two ubiquitin activating enzymes (E1s), 37 ubiquitin conjugating enzymes (E2s), and ...

    Authors: Abdelaziz Ramadan, Keiichirou Nemoto, Motoaki Seki, Kazuo Shinozaki, Hiroyuki Takeda, Hirotaka Takahashi and Tatsuya Sawasaki
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:275
  28. Melon fruit flesh color is primarily controlled by the “golden” single nucleotide polymorhism of the “Orange” gene, CmOr, which dominantly triggers the accumulation of the pro-vitamin A molecule, β-carotene, in t...

    Authors: Noam Chayut, Hui Yuan, Shachar Ohali, Ayala Meir, Yelena Yeselson, Vitaly Portnoy, Yi Zheng, Zhangjun Fei, Efraim Lewinsohn, Nurit Katzir, Arthur A. Schaffer, Shimon Gepstein, Joseph Burger, Li Li and Yaakov Tadmor
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:274
  29. Although important aspects of whole-plant carbon allocation in crop plants (e.g., to grain) occur late in development when the plants are large, techniques to study carbon transport and allocation processes ha...

    Authors: Abhijit A. Karve, David Alexoff, Dohyun Kim, Michael J. Schueller, Richard A. Ferrieri and Benjamin A. Babst
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:273
  30. Processes of anterograde and retrograde membrane trafficking play an important role in cellular homeostasis and dynamic rearrangements of the plasma membrane (PM) in all eukaryotes. These processes depend on t...

    Authors: Adriana Jelínková, Karel Müller, Markéta Fílová-Pařezová and Jan Petrášek
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:272
  31. MicroRNAs play important roles in the adaptive responses of plants to nutrient deficiencies. Most research, however, has focused on nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) deficienc...

    Authors: Yi-Bin Lu, Yi-Ping Qi, Lin-Tong Yang, Peng Guo, Yan Li and Li-Song Chen
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:271
  32. DNA replication and transcription are dynamic processes regulating plant development that are dependent on the chromatin accessibility. Proteins belonging to the Agenet/Tudor domain family are known as histone...

    Authors: Juliana Nogueira Brasil, Luiz Mors Cabral, Nubia B. Eloy, Luiza M. F. Primo, Ito Liberato Barroso-Neto, Letícia P. Perdigão Grangeiro, Nathalie Gonzalez, Dirk Inzé, Paulo C. G. Ferreira and Adriana S. Hemerly
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:270
  33. Calcineurin B-like (CBL) proteins belong to a unique group of calcium sensors in plant that decode the Ca2+ signature by interacting with CBL-interacting protein kinases (CIPKs). Although CBL-CIPK complexes have ...

    Authors: Tao Sun, Yan Wang, Meng Wang, Tingting Li, Yi Zhou, Xiatian Wang, Shuya Wei, Guangyuan He and Guangxiao Yang
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:269
  34. NAC (NAM, ATAF, and CUC) transcription factors play important roles in plant biological processes, including phytohormone homeostasis, plant development, and in responses to various environmental stresses.

    Authors: Quanjun Huang, Yan Wang, Bin Li, Junli Chang, Mingjie Chen, Kexiu Li, Guangxiao Yang and Guangyuan He
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:268
  35. Biochar is a solid coproduct of biomass pyrolysis, and soil amended with biochar has been shown to enhance the productivity of various crops and induce systemic plant resistance to fungal pathogens. The aim of...

    Authors: Wen-kun Huang, Hong-li Ji, Godelieve Gheysen, Jane Debode and Tina Kyndt
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:267
  36. A QTL mapping study for maize resistance to the Mediterranean corn borer (MCB) was performed with a RIL population derived from the cross B73 × CML103. To develop commercial inbreds of maize resistant to the M...

    Authors: Luis Fernando Samayoa, Rosa Ana Malvar, Michael D. McMullen and Ana Butrón
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:265
  37. 3D high-resolution X-ray imaging methods have emerged over the last years for visualising the anatomy of tissue samples without substantial sample preparation. Quantitative analysis of cells and intercellular ...

    Authors: Els Herremans, Pieter Verboven, Bert E. Verlinden, Dennis Cantre, Metadel Abera, Martine Wevers and Bart M. Nicolaï
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:264
  38. We reported previously that root elongation in Arabidopsis is promoted by exogenous proline, raising the possibility that this amino acid may modulate root growth.

    Authors: Marco Biancucci, Roberto Mattioli, Laila Moubayidin, Sabrina Sabatini, Paolo Costantino and Maurizio Trovato
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:263
  39. Labdane-related diterpenoids form the largest group among the diterpenes. They fulfill important functions in primary metabolism as essential plant growth hormones and are known to function in secondary metabo...

    Authors: Sandra Irmisch, Andrea T. Müller, Lydia Schmidt, Jan Günther, Jonathan Gershenzon and Tobias G. Köllner
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:262
  40. Reception of and response to exogenous and endogenous osmotic changes is important to sustain plant growth and development, as well as reproductive formation. Hyperosmolality-gated calcium-permeable channels (...

    Authors: Yunshuang Li, Fang Yuan, Zhaohong Wen, Yihao Li, Fang Wang, Tao Zhu, Wenqing Zhuo, Xi Jin, Yingdian Wang, Heping Zhao, Zhen-Ming Pei and Shengcheng Han
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:261
  41. Strigolactones are a class of plant hormones whose biosynthesis is activated in response to phosphate starvation. This involves several enzymes, including the carotenoid cleavage dioxygenases 7 (CCD7) and CCD8...

    Authors: Arjan van Zeijl, Wei Liu, Ting Ting Xiao, Wouter Kohlen, Wei-Cai Yang, Ton Bisseling and René Geurts
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:260
  42. Due to a relatively high level of codominant inheritance and transferability within and among taxonomic groups, simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are important elements in comparative mapping and delineatio...

    Authors: Jill M. Bushakra, Kim S. Lewers, Margaret E. Staton, Tetyana Zhebentyayeva and Christopher A. Saski
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:258
  43. Specific members of the plant Mildew Locus O (MLO) protein family act as susceptibility factors towards powdery mildew (PM), a worldwide-spread fungal disease threatening many cultivated species. Previous stud...

    Authors: Michela Appiano, Domenico Catalano, Miguel Santillán Martínez, Concetta Lotti, Zheng Zheng, Richard G F Visser, Luigi Ricciardi, Yuling Bai and Stefano Pavan
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:257
  44. In plant genomes, NB-LRR based resistance (R) genes tend to occur in clusters of variable size in a relatively small number of genomic regions. R-gene sequences mostly differentiate by accumulating point mutat...

    Authors: Marialaura Destefanis, Istvan Nagy, Brian Rigney, Glenn J Bryan, Karen McLean, Ingo Hein, Denis Griffin and Dan Milbourne
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:255
  45. NAC transcription factors comprise a large plant-specific gene family involved in the regulation of diverse biological processes. Despite the growing number of studies on NAC transcription factors in various s...

    Authors: Ma Belén Pascual, Francisco M. Cánovas and Concepción Ávila
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2015 15:254

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