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  1. Proper development of plastids in embryo and seedling tissues is critical for plant development. During germination, plastids develop to perform many critical functions that are necessary to establish the seed...

    Authors: Nicholas J Ruppel and Roger P Hangarter
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:37
  2. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are highly informative and widely used for genetic and breeding studies in several plant species. They are used for cultivar identification, variety protection, as anchor m...

    Authors: Torben Asp, Ursula K Frei, Thomas Didion, Klaus K Nielsen and Thomas Lübberstedt
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:36
  3. The hypersensitive necrosis response (HR) of resistant plants to avirulent pathogens is a form of programmed cell death in which the plant sacrifices a few cells under attack, restricting pathogen growth into ...

    Authors: Sonja Vorwerk, Celine Schiff, Marjorie Santamaria, Serry Koh, Marc Nishimura, John Vogel, Chris Somerville and Shauna Somerville
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:35
  4. Translation initiation factors of the 4E and 4G protein families mediate resistance to several RNA plant viruses in the natural diversity of crops. Particularly, a single point mutation in melon eukaryotic tra...

    Authors: Cristina Nieto, Florence Piron, Marion Dalmais, Cristina F Marco, Enrique Moriones, Ma Luisa Gómez-Guillamón, Verónica Truniger, Pedro Gómez, Jordi Garcia-Mas, Miguel A Aranda and Abdelhafid Bendahmane
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:34
  5. Metal hyperaccumulators, including various Thlaspi species, constitutively express the putative metal transporter MTP1 to high levels in shoots. Here we present data on the transcriptional regulation and localiza...

    Authors: Balasubramaniam Muthukumar, Bakhtiyor Yakubov and David E Salt
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:32
  6. Cell elongation is mainly limited by the extensibility of the cell wall. Dicotyledonous primary (growing) cell walls contain cellulose, xyloglucan, pectin and proteins, but little is known about how each polym...

    Authors: Paul Derbyshire, Maureen C McCann and Keith Roberts
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:31
  7. Tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] is the major cereal crop in Ethiopia. Tef is an allotetraploid with a base chromosome number of 10 (2n = 4× = 40) and a genome size of 730 Mbp. The goal of this study was to i...

    Authors: Ju-Kyung Yu, Elizabeth Graznak, Flavio Breseghello, Hailu Tefera and Mark E Sorrells
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:30
  8. Musa species contain the fourth most important crop in developing countries. Here, we report the analysis of 6,252 BAC end-sequences, in order to view the sequence composition of the Musa acuminata genome in a co...

    Authors: Foo Cheung and Christopher D Town
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:29
  9. Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is an asexual propagation pathway requiring a somatic-to-embryonic transition of differentiated somatic cells toward embryogenic cells capable of producing embryos in a process resem...

    Authors: Sylvain Legrand, Theo Hendriks, Jean-Louis Hilbert and Marie-Christine Quillet
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:27
  10. The eukaryotic TOR pathway controls translation, growth and the cell cycle in response to environmental signals such as nutrients or growth-stimulating factors. The TOR protein kinase can be inactivated by the...

    Authors: Rodnay Sormani, Lei Yao, Benoît Menand, Najla Ennar, Cécile Lecampion, Christian Meyer and Christophe Robaglia
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:26
  11. The economic and biological implications of plant invasion are overwhelming; however, the processes by which plants become successful invaders are not well understood. Limited genetic resources are available f...

    Authors: Amanda K Broz, Corey D Broeckling, Ji He, Xinbin Dai, Patrick X Zhao and Jorge M Vivanco
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:25
  12. Endogenous pararetroviral sequences (EPRVs) are a recently discovered class of repetitive sequences that is broadly distributed in the plant kingdom. The potential contribution of EPRVs to plant pathogenicity ...

    Authors: Christina Staginnus, Wolfgang Gregor, M Florian Mette, Chee How Teo, Eduviges Glenda Borroto-Fernández, Margit Laimer da Câmara Machado, Marjori Matzke and Trude Schwarzacher
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:24
  13. This study aimed to analyze the efficiency of three new microsatellite multiplex panels, which were designed to evaluate a total of 16 loci of the rice genome, based on single PCR reactions of each panel. A sa...

    Authors: Marco Pessoa-Filho, André Beló, António AN Alcochete, Paulo HN Rangel and Márcio E Ferreira
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:23
  14. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fibers are trichomes that initiate from the ovule epidermis. Little is known about the developmental pathway causing fiber to differentiate from ovular epidermal cells even though l...

    Authors: Earl W Taliercio and Deborah Boykin
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:22
  15. Rhizobia symbionts elicit root nodule formation in leguminous plants. Nodule development requires local accumulation of auxin. Both plants and rhizobia synthesise auxin. We have addressed the effects of bacter...

    Authors: Youry Pii, Massimo Crimi, Giorgia Cremonese, Angelo Spena and Tiziana Pandolfini
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:21
  16. The plant hormone auxin exerts many of its effects on growth and development by controlling transcription of downstream genes. The Arabidopsis gene AXR3/IAA17 encodes a member of the Aux/IAA family of auxin respo...

    Authors: Mimi Tanimoto, Jemma Jowett, Petra Stirnberg, Dean Rouse and Ottoline Leyser
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:20
  17. Rice is both a food source for a majority of the world's population and an important model system. Available functional genomics resources include targeted insertion mutagenesis and transgenic tools. While the...

    Authors: Bradley J Till, Jennifer Cooper, Thomas H Tai, Peter Colowit, Elizabeth A Greene, Steven Henikoff and Luca Comai
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:19
  18. AtNHX1, the most abundant vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter in Arabidopsis thaliana, mediates the transport of Na+ and K+ into the vacuole, influencing plant development and contributing to salt tolerance. In this repor...

    Authors: Jordan B Sottosanto, Yehoshua Saranga and Eduardo Blumwald
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:18
  19. Several members of the R2R3-MYB family of transcription factors act as regulators of lignin and phenylpropanoid metabolism during wood formation in angiosperm and gymnosperm plants. The angiosperm Arabidopsis has...

    Authors: Frank Bedon, Jacqueline Grima-Pettenati and John Mackay
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:17
  20. Receptor-like kinases are a prominent class of surface receptors that regulate many aspects of the plant life cycle. Despite recent advances the function of most receptor-like kinases remains elusive. Therefor...

    Authors: Banu Eyüboglu, Karen Pfister, Georg Haberer, David Chevalier, Angelika Fuchs, Klaus FX Mayer and Kay Schneitz
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:16
  21. Raspberry breeding programmes worldwide aim to produce improved cultivars to satisfy market demands and within these programmes there are many targets, including increased fruit quality, yield and season, and ...

    Authors: Daniel J Sargent, Felicidad Fernández-Fernández, Alicja Rys, Victoria H Knight, David W Simpson and Kenneth R Tobutt
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:15
  22. Cynara cardunculus L. is an edible plant of pharmaceutical interest, in particular with respect to the polyphenolic content of its leaves. It includes three taxa: globe artichoke, cultivated cardoon, and wild car...

    Authors: Cinzia Comino, Sergio Lanteri, Ezio Portis, Alberto Acquadro, Annalisa Romani, Alain Hehn, Romain Larbat and Frédéric Bourgaud
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:14
  23. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are regulatory RNA molecules that are specified by their mode of action, the structure of primary transcripts, and their typical size of 20–24 nucleotides. Frequently, not only single miRNAs...

    Authors: Isam Fattash, Björn Voß, Ralf Reski, Wolfgang R Hess and Wolfgang Frank
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:13
  24. Damask roses (Rosa damascena Mill.) are mainly used for essential oil production. Previous studies have indicated that all production material in Bulgaria and Turkey consists of only one genotype. Nine polymorphi...

    Authors: Alireza Babaei, Seyed Reza Tabaei-Aghdaei, Morteza Khosh-Khui, Reza Omidbaigi, Mohammad Reza Naghavi, Gerhard D Esselink and Marinus JM Smulders
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:12
  25. Beta-carotene is the main dietary precursor of vitamin A. Potato tubers contain low levels of carotenoids, composed mainly of the xanthophylls lutein (in the beta-epsilon branch) and violaxanthin (in the beta-...

    Authors: Gianfranco Diretto, Ralf Welsch, Raffaela Tavazza, Fabienne Mourgues, Daniele Pizzichini, Peter Beyer and Giovanni Giuliano
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:11
  26. When plant tissue is passaged through in vitro culture, many regenerated plants appear to be no longer clonal copies of their donor genotype. Among the factors that affect this so-called tissue culture induced va...

    Authors: Piotr T Bednarek, Renata Orłowska, Robert MD Koebner and Janusz Zimny
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:10
  27. The genus Arachis includes Arachis hypogaea (cultivated peanut) and wild species that are used in peanut breeding or as forage. Molecular markers have been employed in several studies of this genus, but microsate...

    Authors: Marcos A Gimenes, Andrea A Hoshino, Andrea VG Barbosa, Dario A Palmieri and Catalina R Lopes
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:9
  28. The gram-negative bacterium Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) is the causal agent of Pierce's disease (PD) in grape as well as diseases of many fruit and ornamental plants. The current molecular breeding efforts have ident...

    Authors: Hong Lin, Harshavardhan Doddapaneni, Yuri Takahashi and M Andrew Walker
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:8
  29. Due to its origin, peanut has a very narrow genetic background. Wild relatives can be a source of genetic variability for cultivated peanut. In this study, the transcriptome of the wild species Arachis stenosperm...

    Authors: Karina Proite, Soraya CM Leal-Bertioli, David J Bertioli, Márcio C Moretzsohn, Felipe R da Silva, Natalia F Martins and Patrícia M Guimarães
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:7
  30. Blueberry is a member of the Ericaceae family, which also includes closely related cranberry and more distantly related rhododendron, azalea, and mountain laurel. Blueberry is a major berry crop in the United Sta...

    Authors: Nadim W Alkharouf, Anik L Dhanaraj, Dhananjay Naik, Chris Overall, Benjamin F Matthews and Lisa J Rowland
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:5
  31. A wide range of stimuli evoke rapid and transient increases in [Ca2+]cyt in plant cells which are transmitted by protein sensors that contain EF-hand motifs. Here, a group of Oryza sativa L. genes encoding calmod...

    Authors: Bongkoj Boonburapong and Teerapong Buaboocha
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:4
  32. The ethylene receptor family of Arabidopsis consists of five members, falling into two subfamilies. Subfamily 1 is composed of ETR1 and ERS1, and subfamily 2 is composed of ETR2, ERS2, and EIN4. Although mutat...

    Authors: Xiang Qu, Brenda P Hall, Zhiyong Gao and G Eric Schaller
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:3
  33. A common feature of plant defense responses is the transcriptional regulation of a large number of genes upon pathogen infection or treatment with pathogen elicitors. A large body of evidence suggests that pla...

    Authors: Zuyu Zheng, Stephen L Mosher, Baofang Fan, Daniel F Klessig and Zhixiang Chen
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:2
  34. The large amount of available sequence information for the plant acyl-ACP thioesterases (TEs) made it possible to use a bioinformatics-guided approach to identify amino acid residues involved in substrate spec...

    Authors: Kimberly M Mayer and John Shanklin
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2007 7:1
  35. Glycosyl hydrolase family 1 (GH1) β-glucosidases have been implicated in physiologically important processes in plants, such as response to biotic and abiotic stresses, defense against herbivores, activation o...

    Authors: Rodjana Opassiri, Busarakum Pomthong, Tassanee Onkoksoong, Takashi Akiyama, Asim Esen and James R Ketudat Cairns
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2006 6:33
  36. Lutein is the most abundant xanthophyll in the photosynthetic apparatus of higher plants. It binds to site L1 of all Lhc proteins, whose occupancy is indispensable for protein folding and quenching chlorophyll...

    Authors: Luca Dall'Osto, Chiara Lico, Jean Alric, Giovanni Giuliano, Michel Havaux and Roberto Bassi
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2006 6:32
  37. The effective functional analysis of male gametophyte development requires new tools enabling the spatially and temporally controlled expression of both marker genes and modified genes of interest. In particul...

    Authors: David Honys, Sung-Aeong Oh, David Reňák, Maarten Donders, Blanka Šolcová, James Andrew Johnson, Rita Boudová and David Twell
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2006 6:31
  38. Proteases play key roles in plants, maintaining strict protein quality control and degrading specific sets of proteins in response to diverse environmental and developmental stimuli. Similarities and differenc...

    Authors: Maribel García-Lorenzo, Andreas Sjödin, Stefan Jansson and Christiane Funk
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2006 6:30
  39. Although the biosynthetic pathways for anthocyanins and their regulation have been well studied, the mechanism of anthocyanin accumulation in the cell is still poorly understood. Different models have been pro...

    Authors: Huaibi Zhang, Lei Wang, Simon Deroles, Raymond Bennett and Kevin Davies
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2006 6:29
  40. Exploiting genetic diversity requires previous knowledge of the extent and structure of the variation occurring in a species. Such knowledge can in turn be used to build a core-collection, i.e. a subset of acc...

    Authors: Joëlle Ronfort, Thomas Bataillon, Sylvain Santoni, Magalie Delalande, Jacques L David and Jean-Marie Prosperi
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2006 6:28
  41. Accuracy in quantitative real-time RT-PCR is dependent on high quality RNA, consistent cDNA synthesis, and validated stable reference genes for data normalization. Reference genes used for normalization impact...

    Authors: Karen E Reid, Niclas Olsson, James Schlosser, Fred Peng and Steven T Lund
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2006 6:27
  42. Reports of plant molecular responses to pathogenic infections have pinpointed increases in activity of several genes of the phenylpropanoid pathway leading to the synthesis of lignin and flavonoids. The majori...

    Authors: Gracia Zabala, Jijun Zou, Jigyasa Tuteja, Delkin O Gonzalez, Steven J Clough and Lila O Vodkin
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2006 6:26
  43. Roots are an attractive system for genomic and post-genomic studies of NaCl responses, due to their primary importance to agriculture, and because of their relative structural and biochemical simplicity. Excel...

    Authors: Yuanqing Jiang and Michael K Deyholos
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2006 6:25
  44. In the past decade, much work has been done to dissect the molecular basis of the defence signalling pathway in plants known as Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR). Most of the work has been carried out in mode...

    Authors: Jean M Bonasera, Jihyun F Kim and Steven V Beer
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2006 6:23
  45. The tomato kinase Pto confers resistance to bacterial speck disease caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato in a gene for gene manner. Upon recognition of specific avirulence factors the Pto kinase activates mu...

    Authors: Markus M Herrmann, Sheena Pinto, Jantjeline Kluth, Udo Wienand and René Lorbiecke
    Citation: BMC Plant Biology 2006 6:22

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