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Perturbation of periodic spot-generation balance leads to diversified pigmentation patterning of harlequin Phalaenopsis orchids: in silico prediction



A retrotransposon HORT1 in the promoter of the anthocyanin activator gene PeMYB11, microRNA858 (miR858) that targets PeMYB11, and a repressor PeMYBx have been implicated in pigmentation patterning diversity of harlequin Phalaenopsis orchids. However, the interrelationship among them remains to be elucidated.


To understand how these factors interact to generate anthocyanin spots in Phalaenopsis, we successfully developed a mathematical model based on the known reaction–diffusion system to simulate their interplay and refined the conceptual biological model. Intriguingly, the expression of both PeMYBx and PeMYB11 were in phase for purple spot formation, even though they showed adverse effects on anthocyanin accumulations. An increase in the self-activation rate of PeMYB11 resulted in the increased size of purple spots, but no effects on spot fusion. Decreased degradation rate of miR858 in the purple regions, led to disruption of the formation of spotted pigmentation patterning and a full-red pigmentation pattern. Significantly, the reduced miR858 level promotes the fusion of large dark purple dots induced by the solo-LTR of HORT1, eventually generating the purple patches. In addition, the spatially heterogeneous insertion of HORT1 caused by the remnant solo-LTR of HORT1 derived from random homologous unequal recombination of HORT1 in individual cells of floral organs could explain the diverse pigmentation patterning of harlequin Phalaenopsis.


This devised model explains how HORT1 and miR858 regulate the formation of the pigmentation patterning and holds great promise for developing efficient and innovative approaches to breeding harlequin Phalaenopsis orchids.

Peer Review reports


Harlequin Phalaenopsis orchids, named after harlequin patches of a dark reddish-purple color, are popular because of their exotic flower shapes and diverse pigmentation patterning [1]. Some hybrids have patterning very similar to full-red patterning, whereas others have extraordinarily large spots that are not fused (Fig. 1). The dark reddish-purple coloring on the flowers results from high anthocyanin content [2]. The classical harlequin patches are related to insertion of solo-LTR but not to the full-length coding sequence of the harlequin orchid retrotransposon 1 (HORT1) in the upstream promoter of PeMYB11. For example, HORT1 is responsible for the spotted pigmentation patterns in the harlequin Phalaenopsis orchids [2]. Although HORT1 fragments were found in white and purple regions, only the solo-LTR of HORT1 exists in purple regions. Hence, the solo-LTR of HORT1 appears to serve as an enhancer of PeMYB11 and may lead to the formation of dark reddish-purple patches in harlequin Phalaenopsis [2]. However, P. Ever-spring Prince ‘Plum’ (Supplementary Fig. 1), a harlequin Phalaenopsis hybrid, has large purple patches in the absence of the solo-LTR of HORT1, and only the full-length HORT1 was identified in P. Ever-spring Prince ‘Plum’ [2]. Therefore, the mechanisms of the diversified pigmentation patterning of harlequin Phalaenopsis remain to be elucidated.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Diverse pigmentation patterns in harlequin Phalaenopsis orchids. A P. hybrid ‘FM1552’, Bar = 3.8 cm, B P. hybrid ‘F6965’, Bar = 8.8 cm, C P. OX Red Lion ‘OX1668’, Bar = 11.5 cm, D P. hybrid ‘OX3267’, Bar = 4.3 cm, E P. Fangmei Black Rose ‘FM1017’, Bar = 5.3 cm, F P. hybrid ‘F5373’, Bar = 7.3 cm, G P. hybrid ‘F4528’, Bar = 7.8 cm, and H P. hybrid ‘F5521’, Bar = 5.2 cm

In plants, myeloblastosis (MYB) transcription factors that serve as activators for anthocyanin biosynthesis are of the R2R3 type [3]. The R2R3-MYB transcription factor probably activates anthocyanin biosynthesis by directly binding to the promoters of structural genes for anthocyanin biosynthesis [3]. Antagonistic repression of anthocyanin accumulation by repressors of R2R3-MYB or R3-MYB also occurs in the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis [3]. These MYB-associated repressors can be self-activated or activated by the R2R3-MYB-bZIP-WD40 (MBW) activation complex. The inhibitory mechanisms of the MYB repressors are classified into three proposed models: 1) self-activated MYB repressors that bind directly to the promoters of structural genes to inhibit the transcription; 2) MYB repressors activated by the MBW activation complex, which further compete for the same binding sites of MYB activators to reduce anthocyanin biosynthesis gene expression; and 3) R3-MYB repressors activated by the MBW complex to inhibit the activation of bHLH genes thus repressing the continuous formation of the MBW activation complex [3].

We have shown that PeMYB11, an R2R3-type transcription activator for anthocyanin biosynthesis, is responsible for spotted pigmentation patterning in Phalaenopsis [2, 4]. A phylogenetic tree of R2R3-MYB transcription factors in Phalaenopsis orchids derived from the amino acid sequences of the R2R3 region suggest that PeMYB4, PeMYB5, PeMYB6, PeMYB7, and PeMYB8 are R2R3-type transcription repressors in Phalaenopsis orchids. The four genes (PeMYB4, PeMYB5, PeMYB6, and PeMYB8) are highly expressed in white regions, while PeMYB7 has similar expression patterns in both purple and white regions [2]. Intriguingly, an R3-type transcription repressor, PeMYBx is highly expressed in purple regions, with about a 97-fold increase in expression [2]. In addition to these repressors, epigenetic factors such as microRNA156 (miR156) and miR858 are enriched in the white region of harlequin P. ‘Panda’, whose targets are PeMYB7 and PeMYB11, respectively [5]. Since PeMYB7 has similar expression patterns in both purple and white regions, we therefore focused our further study only on the effect of miR858.

Owing to the complex regulatory network of pigmentation patterning in Phalaenopsis, such as full red spots and venation [4], and the commercial breeding history of harlequin Phalaenopsis [1], the selection of suitable and representative plant material is challenging. To simplify the biological investigation of the diversified pigmentation patterning of harlequin Phalaenopsis into a concise and theoretical model, we turned to mathematical simulation with the theory of reaction–diffusion systems. The reaction–diffusion systems describe the principles of natural pattern formation such as spots and stripes [6]. With the reaction among various morphogens and the diffusion of morphogens in a tissue, the main feature of complex morphogenesis can be characterized. Various reaction–diffusion systems have been built by different interaction rules, and the simplest one is the activator-inhibitor system, which includes merely two components, initially described by Turing [7]. The system used in our research satisfies the following interaction rules: 1) the activator is self-activated, 2) the inhibitor is diffusible and is activated by the activator; and 3) the inhibitor represses the self-activation of the activator. Even though Turing was the first person mentioning this model, we adopted the mathematical equations proposed by Gierer and Meihardt [6, 8], which are more biochemically truthful. In this study, using the theoretical model and mathematical simulation coupled with our previous experimental data we explained how interplays of PeMYBx, full-length HORT1, the solo-LTR of HORT1, and miR858 contributed to the steady-state accumulation of PeMYB11 and resulted in the varied spotted pigmentation patterning, including distinct spots, fused spots, and full-red-like patterns in harlequin Phalaenopsis.


PeMYBx is the negative regulator of anthocyanin spot patterning in Phalaenopsis

A revisit of the mechanisms of spotted pigmentation patterning formation was essential for explaining the formation of big dark purple patches in harlequin Phalaenopsis cultivars. The numerical simulation showed standard spotted patterning (Fig. 2), which confirmed that the parameter values determined for the numerical simulation were suitable for the VSIMEX method used by rdsolver. Moreover, the simulations suggested that the expression patterns of PeMYB11 and PeMYBx were in-phase, showing the same results as the experimental expression data for PeMYB11 and PeMYBx [2]. Consequently, the PeMYB11-PeMYBx interaction model gave a preliminary explanation of why the expression of PeMYBx was higher in the purple than white regions. That is, instead of simply competing for the same binding sites as other MYB repressors, the diffusible repressor system of PeMYBx was more likely to inhibit anthocyanin accumulation by repressing the activator system of PeMYB11. Because of the diffusivity of PeMYBx, according to the local self-activation and lateral inhibition model, an anthocyanin spot showed the highest anthocyanin level at the center and the concentration gradually decayed out to the boundary of the spot (Fig. 3). Therefore, the purple patches of P. Yushan Little Pearl may be generated by anthocyanin spot fusion. In contrast, the anthocyanin level in the purple patches of P. Ever Spring Prince ‘Plum’ are uniformly distributed throughout the flower (Supplementary Fig. 1). Combined with the fact that the solo-LTR of HORT1 is located only within the purple patches of P. Yushan Little Pearl but not P. Ever Spring Prince, in the following sections, we reexamined the underlying mechanisms of how the solo-LTR of HORT1 contributes to the purple patches.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Mathematical description of the PeMYB11-PeMYBx interaction model. PeMYB11 is the activator of the reaction–diffusion system, and PeMYBx is the inhibitor of the system. PeMYB11 self-activates with the self-activation potency GA value, and it also activates the biosynthesis of PeMYBx with the activation potency GH value. PeMYBx inhibits the biosynthesis of PeMYB11. The activator and the inhibitor degrade with degradation rates \({\mu }_{A}\) and \({\mu }_{H}\), respectively. The activator diffuses with diffusivity DA, and the inhibitor diffuses with diffusivity DH. The value of DA must be smaller than DH for patterns to form. In the PeMYB11-PeMYBx interaction model, \(\varnothing\) is the symbol for empty

Fig. 3
figure 3

The rule for assigning piece-wise \({G}_{A}\) for simulating the effect of heterogeneous transcription activity of PeMYB11 in P. Yushan Little Pearl

Solo-LTR of HORT1 increases the size of each spot of the spotted patterning of Phalaenopsis

Insertion of the solo-LTR of HORT1 in the PeMYB11 promoter increases promoter activity twofold (2). The twofold increase of the self-activation rate \({G}_{A}\), analogous to the increased transcription activity of PeMYB11, resulted in a slight increase in spot sizes in the simulation (Fig. 4F). More simulation results demonstrated that the simulated level of PeMYB11 increased as \({G}_{A}\) was increased and resulted in gradually increased spot sizes (Fig. 4). For validation, simulations were also implemented using Virtual Cell, modifying the model constructed by Ding et al. (2020). The values of \({G}_{A}\) in the simulations by using Virtual Cell were 0.66, 7, and 70. The simulations showed that the spot sizes increased as the \({G}_{A}\) value increased. However, even when \({G}_{A}\) was increased to 70 \(\upmu M\), fusion of the spots was not increased to the level expected in P. Yushan Little Pearl (Fig. 5). Moreover, the center region of the spots with the highest anthocyanin accumulation did not expand to the level of the anthocyanin spots in P. Yushan Little Pearl (Fig. 5). The insertion of solo-LTR of HORT1 in the promoter of PeMYB11 could result in the big dark purple spots, but the effect on spot fusion was limited. Thus, other factors needed to be investigated to understand the exotic patterns of the harlequin Phalaenopsis.

Fig. 4
figure 4

No phase difference between numerical simulations of PeMYB11 and PeMYBx expression pattern. A Simulated expression pattern of PeMYB11 with the following parameter values: \({D}_{A}=0.01;{ D}_{H}=0.5; {\mu }_{A}=0.03;{ \mu }_{H}=0.03;{\rho }_{A}=0.01;{ G}_{A}=0.08;{ G}_{H}=0.12\) B Simulated expression pattern of PeMYBx with the same parameter values as (A). C Merged

Fig. 5
figure 5

Redefinition of anthocyanin “spots”. A P. Yushan Little Pearl, P: purple region, W: white region, Bar = 1 cm. B The concentration of PeMYB11 in each spot starts with the highest value and decays away from the center. Values for parameters are the same as in Fig. 4

Differential miR858 expression disrupts the formation of spotted patterning of Phalaenopsis

A miRNA regulates the gene expression of its targeted mRNA by degradation or inhibition of translation [12]. In harlequin Phalaenopsis, miR858 targeting the mRNA of PeMYB11 is related to the formation of purple spots [8], and miR858 expression is about threefold higher in the white than purple regions [8], which suggests that the degradation rate of PeMYB11 mRNA is lower in the purple than white regions. Thus, we assessed the role of miR858 in generating dark purple patches on harlequin Phalaenopsis flowers (Fig. 6). The simulation results showed that decreased degradation rate \({\mu }_{A}\), analogous to the reduced miR858 expression in the purple regions, led to disruption of the formation of spotted pigmentation patterning and a full-red pigmentation pattern (Fig. 6C). Hence, the purple patches of P. Ever Spring Prince ‘Plum’ was more likely due to reduced degradation of PeMYB11 mRNA than to spot fusion.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Increase in spot size proportional to the value of GA. AC resemble the standard spotted pigmentation patterning with the following parameter values: \({G}_{A}=0.08,{G}_{H}=0.12,{D}_{A}=0.01,{D}_{H}=0.5,{\mu }_{A}=0.03,{\mu }_{H}=0.03, {\rho }_{A}=0.01\). C is generated by drawing contour maps of (A) at the threshold of 2 \(\mu M\). DF \({G}_{A}=0.1632\) is the twofold increase of the standard \({G}_{A}\) value 0.08. F is generated by drawing contour maps of (D) at the threshold of 2 \(\mu M\). G, I, J \({G}_{A}=0.66\) is the fourfold increase of the \({G}_{A}\) value 0.1632 because harlequin-type cultivars are tetraploid plants. J is generated by plotting contour maps of G at the threshold of 2 \(\mu M\). KM \({G}_{A}=2.712\) is the 33.9-fold increase of the standard \({G}_{A}\) value 0.08 according to the data for PeMYB11 mRNA expression in the purple regions of the flower of P. Yushan Little Pearl. M is generated by plotting contour maps of (K) at the threshold of 2 \(\mu M\) 

Solo-LTR of HORT1 and differential miR858 expression are indispensable for generating fusion dark purple spots of harlequin Phalaenopsis

The formation of dark purple patches of harlequin Phalaenopsis involved two factors: retrotransposon HORT1 and miR858. These two factors influenced the pigmentation patterning in different ways, as confirmed by the numerical simulations above. We next evaluated the combination effect of these two factors. Simulation results showed an apparent fusion of spots (Fig. 7B, D) generated by plotting contour maps of (Fig. 7A, C). In addition, the region of each spot with the highest PeMYB11 level became larger (Supplementary Fig. 2B) than regions simulated with standard PeMYB11 degradation rate (Supplementary Fig. 2A), which was a similar pattern to the large dark purple area of P. Yushan Little Pearl. The similar characteristics between the outcomes of simulation and the phenotypes of P. Yushan Little Pearl suggest that reduced miR858 level in the purple regions of harlequin Phalaenopsis plays a role in promoting the fusion of large dark purple dots induced by the solo-LTR of HORT1.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Simulation results by using the Virtual Cell. A \({G}_{A}=0.08\). B \({G}_{A}=0.66\). C \({G}_{A}=7\). D \({G}_{A}=70\). Values for other parameters are the same as in Fig. 4

Spatially heterogeneous insertion of full-length HORT1 or solo-LTR of HORT1 in PeMYB11 promoter is a key factor in generating the dark purple patches of harlequin Phalaenopsis Yushan Little Pearl

In the diverse pigmentation patterning of harlequin Phalaenopsis, even though spot fusion is a common feature, the purple patches on the flowers have different patterning (Fig. 1): the purple patches may remain as round spots or be irregular shapes (Supplementary Fig. 3). Thus, in addition to both HORT1 and miR858, other factors must shape different types of pigmentation patterning of harlequin Phalaenopsis and lead to varied color patterns.

The identification of HORT1 in the sepal/petal of P. Yushan Little Pearl has revealed the insertion of solo-LTR of HORT1 together with full-length HORT1 in the tissue of purple patches [2]. Simulation results indicated that some components of the 100 × 100 matrix, which were assigned with decreased transcription activity of PeMYB11, also showed anthocyanin accumulation (Fig. 8). Therefore, the existence of full-length HORT1 in purple regions is reasonable, even though full-length HORT1 reduces the transcription activity of PeMYB11 [2]. The simulation results recapitulated the characteristic pattern of harlequin P. Yushan Little Pearl, including a sharp separation between purple and white regions, large anthocyanin spots, and high level of spot fusion (Fig. 9). Hence, the spatially heterogeneous insertion of HORT1 and its structural variant are crucial factors for generating the patterns specific to P. Yushan Little Pearl.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Reduction of miR858 expression disrupts the generation of spotted pigmentation patterning with an adjustment of the value of \({\mu }_{A}\) to 0.01. Values for other parameters are the same as in Fig. 4A Simulated expression of PeMYB11. B Simulated expression of PeMYBx. C is generated by plotting the contour maps of (A) at the threshold of 2 \(\mu M\)

Fig. 9
figure 9

Simulation results of combination effects of insertion of solo-LTR of HORT1 and reduced miR858 expression. A Simulated pattern of PeMYB11 with parameter values \({G}_{A}=0.66 \text{ and } {\mu }_{A}=0.01\)B is generated by plotting contour maps of (A) at the threshold of 2 \(\mu M\)C Simulated pattern of PeMYB11 with parameter values \({G}_{A}=2.712 \text{ and } {\mu }_{A}=0.01\). D is generated by plotting contour maps of (C) at the threshold of 2 \(\mu M\)


In this study, we demonstrated that the PeMYB11-PeMYBx interaction model recapitulates the typical spotted patterning of harlequin Phalaenopsis orchids. The recapitulation suggests that the spatial distribution of anthocyanin gradually converges to a balance that generates periodic spots in Phalaenopsis. In harlequin Phalaenopsis, insertion of HORT1 in the promoter of PeMYB11 perturbed the transcriptional activity of PeMYB11 [2]. Also, a reduced miR858 level perturbed the degradation of PeMYB11 mRNA [5]. Our simulations indicated that variations in normal transcriptional activity and degradation rate of PeMYB11 mRNA resulted in the extraordinary pigmentation patterning of harlequin Phalaenopsis.

In monkeyflowers (Mimulus), two MYB transcription factors, including an activator and an inhibitor, regulate the biosynthesis of each other and are related to the formation of the spotted patterning on flowers [9]. With numerical simulations, Ding et al. (2020) demonstrated that the interaction between two MYB transcription factors is critical for generating the spotted patterning [9]. Inspired by the previous study, we used the Gierer-Meinhardt model to assess the formation of spotted pigmentation patterning in harlequin Phalaenopsis. The PeMYB11-PeMYBx interaction model was a simplified and idealized assumption, but it helped retain critical features from a large amount of published experimental data related to the spotted patterning formation. With this concise biological model, we could clarify the main contributions of HORT1 and miR858 to the exotic patterns of harlequin Phalaenopsis.

Bicolor floral phenotypes are unique in nature. A comprehensive picture of the underlying mechanisms is still under investigation. In fact, bicolor floral traits are related to the spatially differential regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis genes such as the miR828/MYB12 module in Asiatic hybrid lily and the miR858/PeMYB11 module in Phalaenopsis ‘Panda’ [5, 13]. However, the reason for the existence of spatially differential expression of miRNAs is not clear. Actually, because of the diffusivity of miRNAs and the clear and balanced property of miRNAs [14, 15], identifying the source of miRNA is of primary concern. In P. ‘Panda’, the expression of miR858 is significantly enriched in the white regions where only full-length HORT1 is identified. Moreover, miRNA can be derived from transposons [16]. Therefore, clarifying the interactions between HORT1 and miR858 may provide a deeper understanding of the coloring mechanisms of bicolor flowers in harlequin Phalaenopsis.

Transposon/retrotransposon insertion is involved in the flower coloring mechanisms of bicolor flowers in plants [17]. Because of the “jumping traits” of transposons, transposition events may not coincide in every cell of all floral organs, which leads to irregular chimeric color regions on flowers. The retrotransposon HORT1 has been identified to cause high anthocyanin accumulation in harlequin Phalaenopsis, so it is a potential factor in diverse pigmentation patterning [2]. Our study has shown that insertion of the solo-LTR of HORT1 in the PeMYB11 promoter is the key factor in generating large anthocyanin spots. In addition, HORT1 is a non-autonomous retrotransposon because it lacks reverse transcriptase in its coding sequences (Supplementary Fig. 4). Therefore, instead of the “jumping traits” of retrotransposons, remnant solo-LTR of HORT1 caused by random homologous unequal recombination of HORT1 in individual cells of floral organs could explain the spatially heterogeneous insertion of HORT1 and the diverse pigmentation patterning of harlequin Phalaenopsis.

According to the instability condition of the reaction–diffusion system, small random perturbations of the initial concentration of morphogens is essential for generating the Turing pattern [6]. In other words, if two initial concentrations of morphogens are slightly different, the patterns will not be the same. Consequently, two flowers on the same spike of one plant can have different pigmentation patterns. In fact, this is true for harlequin Phalaenopsis orchid flowers (Supplementary Fig. 5). In harlequin Phalaenopsis orchids, random spot fusion may result from the synergistic effects of the instability condition of the reaction–diffusion system and random homologous unequal recombination of HORT1.

Mathematical modeling in ornamental horticultural research has greatly advanced in recent years. Ringham et al., (2021) have generated pigmentation patterns directly on geometric models of flowers with various combinations of main mathematical models of morphogenesis [18]. These include vascular patterning, positional information, reaction–diffusion, and random pattern generation [18]. Their incorporation of these models demonstrate a wide array of the flower pigmentation patterns in nature, such as Viola tricolor (pansy), Aquilegia sp. (columbine), Cypripedium reginae, Onosma alborosea, Malus domestica (apple), Oxalis adenophylla, Plumeria alba (frangipani), Gaillardia aristata, Wurmbea elatior, Galearis rotundifolia, Fritillaria meleagris (checkered lily), and Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon) [18].

In the present study, we showed that mathematical modeling and simulation were efficient and systematic approaches to pinpoint hypotheses that were congruent to novel experimental discoveries. Mathematical modeling allows for constructing a well-grounded framework for research and also serves as the backbone for experimental designs. Therefore, it can be used to point out the correct direction for further research and avoid going in wrong directions. Mathematical modeling also contributes to the identification of critical molecular systems in complex biological processes [19]. It simplifies sophisticated problems and provides a new perspective to challenge established concepts. In the omics era, generating big data by using high-throughput sequencing and transcriptomics is common. The wealth of data can improve the precision of established mathematical models and assist in parameter decisions for the models [20].


Mathematical modeling is a new and inevitable trend for studying complex biological processes. The mathematical model we developed substantiates the interactions among various factors including HORT1, solo-LTR, PeMYB11, PeMYBx, and miR858 that affect anthocyanin formation and accumulation in the harlequin Phalaenopsis orchids. This model holds great promise for developing efficient and innovative approaches to breeding the harlequin Phalaenopsis orchids.

Materials and methods

Construction of the PeMYB11-PeMYBx interaction model and its interplay with important factors

The construction of the PeMYB11-PeMYBx interaction model was based on experimental data (2,8). Notably, instead of representing a gene or a protein, “PeMYB11” and “PeMYBx” indicate systems of biological processes including transcriptional, post-transcriptional, and translational stages. The PeMYB11-PeMYBx interaction model comprises the following interaction rules: 1) PeMYB11 is self-activated, 2) PeMYB11 activates the biosynthesis of PeMYBx and 3) PeMYBx inhibits the biosynthesis of PeMYB11. We studied the direct effects of HORT1 on the pigmentation patterning of harlequin Phalaenopsis by adjusting the self-activation rate of the activator reflecting the changes in transcription level of PeMYB11. In contrast, we studied the effect of miR858 on the pigmentation patterning by adjusting the degradation rate of the activator reflecting the changes in post-transcriptional level of PeMYB11. In addition to molecular factors such as HORT1 and miR858, the spatial distribution of full-length HORT1 and its solo-LTR throughout the petal/sepal tissue is a factor in the effect of the pigmentation patterning.

Mathematical description of the PeMYB11-PeMYBx interaction model

Let \(A(t,\mathbf{r}), H(t,\mathbf{r})\) denote the concentration of the activator of PeMYB11 and the inhibitor of PeMYBx at time t and location r, respectively, in the interaction model. The units of \(A\) and \(H\) are \(\mu M.\) According to the interaction model (Fig. 10), we derived the following equations for the computational domain \(\left(t,\mathbf{r}\right)\in \left[0,T\right]\times {\left[0, L\right]}^{2}\):

$$\left\{\begin{array}{c}\frac{\partial A}{\partial t}=\frac{{G}_{A}\bullet {A}^{2}}{H+k}+{\rho }_{A}+{D}_{A}\bullet \Delta A-{\mu }_{A}\bullet A,\\ \frac{\partial H}{\partial t}={G}_{H}\bullet {A}^{2}+{D}_{H}\bullet \Delta H-{\mu }_{H}\bullet H,\end{array}\right.$$

where \(T\) is the stopping time, \(L\) is the side length of the computational square and \(\Delta\) is the Laplacian operator in space. At each computation grid, the initial concentration of \(A(0,\mathbf{r})\) is randomly assigned with values from 0 to 1 (9). The initial concentration of \(H\left(0,\mathbf{r}\right) \text{is }0\) because the biosynthesis of PeMYBx is activated by PeMYB11. The boundary condition is assumed to be the periodic boundary condition. The meaning of the coefficients in the equations is as follows: \({\text{G}}_{\text{A}}\) represents the potency of self-activation of \({A}^{2}\); \({\text{G}}_{\text{H}}\) represents the potency of activation of \({\text{H}}\) activated by \({A}^{2}\); \({\text{D}}_{\text{A}}\) and \({D}_{H}\) represent the diffusion rate of \(\text{A and H}\), respectively; and \(\mu_A\) and \({\mu }_{H}\) represent the degradation rate of A and H respectively. \({\text{D}}_{\text{H}}\) must be larger than \({\text{D}}_{\text{A}}\) (4).

Fig. 10
figure 10

Rationale for the existence of full-length HORT1 in purple regions of P. Yushan Little Pearl with piece-wise settings of \({G}_{A}\) values mimicking the heterogeneous distribution of full-length HORT1 and solo-LTR of HORT1. A The heatmap of simulated PeMYB11 level is plotted with a basic threshold of 2 \(\mu M\) and a relative threshold of 4 \(\mu M\). Other parameter values are \({G}_{H}=0.12,{D}_{A}=0.01,{D}_{H}=0.5,{\mu }_{A}=0.01,{\mu }_{H}=0.03, {\rho }_{A}=0.01\)B The heatmap of simulated PeMYB11 level is plotted with a basic threshold of 2 \(\mu M\) and a relative threshold of 5 \(\mu M\). Other parameter values are \({G}_{H}=0.12,{D}_{A}=0.01,{D}_{H}=0.5,{\mu }_{A}=0.01,{\mu }_{H}=0.03, {\rho }_{A}=0.01\)

Computational simulations of the PeMYB11-PeMYBx interaction model: simulation of typical spotted patterning

We wrote the script for performing 2-D numerical simulations in Python to generate the spotted patterning. Without loss of generality, we set \(L \text{to} 100\) and used the uniform grid in space, that is, all integer grid points \(\left(i,j\right), 1 \le i, j \le 100,\) in the computational square for two concentrations, \(A\) and \(H\). For the initial setting, random values were assigned to \(A\), the concentration of PeMYB11. The initial concentration of PeMYBx, \(H\), was a zero matrix. The value of each parameter in the model was the same as in Ding et al. (2020) \({(D}_{A}=0.01,{D}_{H}=0.5,{\mu }_{A}=0.03,{\mu }_{H}=0.03,{G}_{A}=0.08,{G}_{H}=0.12,{\rho }_{A}=0.01, \text{and} k=0.001)\), which is widely accepted from previous studies. We used rdsolver, a Python package for solving reaction–diffusion systems (v0.1.5), to simulate the dynamic behavior of the discrete system of the PeMYB11-PeMYBx interaction model. We chose the rdsolver package because it uses variable time step implicit/explicit (VSIMEX) time stepping to attain better computer efficiency for solving the equations. With rdsolver, the concentrations of both PeMYB11 and PeMYBx were solved. In addition, to validate the correctness of the simulation results, comparison simulations were computed with Virtual Cell software by modifying the model constructed by Ding et al. (2020). Virtual Cell is a mature and free software for modeling and simulating biological systems (10). Nevertheless, Virtual Cell does not allow for considering piece-wise \({G}_{A}\) values. Thus, in this study, we designed a new script to apply piece-wise \({G}_{A}\) values.

Increased PeMYB11 transcription activity induced by the solo-LTR of HORT1

All parameter values were the same as those in the numerical simulation for typical spotted pigmentation patterning, except for adjustment of the self-activation potency \({G}_{A}\) value. The adjustment of the GA value was initially derived from the experimental data for promoter activity with dual luciferase assay (2). To resemble the enhanced transcription activity induced by insertion of the solo-LTR of HORT1 in the promoter of PeMYB11, \({G}_{A}\) was adjusted to about twofold of the standard GA value (= 0.08) and eventually equaled 0.1632. In addition, harlequin Phalaenopsis cultivars are tetraploid plants (11), so we also considered another value for GA (0.1632 \(\text{x}\) 4 \(\approx\) 0.66) for tetraploid plants. Furthermore, the expression of PeMYB11 is 33.9-fold higher in the purple region of P. Yushan Little Pearl than in P. OX Red Shoe ‘OX1408’ (2). The transcription activity of PeMYB11 is enhanced by insertion of the solo-LTR of HORT1 but not the full-length HORT1, so the GA value was adjusted to 2.712 (= 33.9 \(\text{x}\) 0.08) to reflect the enhanced PeMYB11 transcription activity in the purple regions of P. Yushan Little Pearl. In addition, we also considered the \({G}_{A}\) values of 7 and 70 in later simulations for observing the rate of changes of spot sizes, approximately tenfold and 100-fold increases of the 0.66 value, respectively, in tetraploid plants.

Reduced degradation rate of PeMYB11 caused by reduced miR858 expression

All parameters were the same as those in the numerical simulation for typical spotted pigmentation patterning, except for adjustment of the degradation rate \({\mu }_{A}\). To resemble the reduction in miR858 expression, the value of \({\mu }_{A}\) was adjusted to less than 0.5-fold of 0.03 (standard \({\mu }_{A}\)) according to the experimental results of quantitative PCR of miR858 (8). The number 0.01 was selected as the lowered value of \({\mu }_{A}\). To assess the combination effects of the solo-LTR of HORT1 and miR858, we used only the parameters \({G}_{A}\) and \({\mu }_{A}\) without affecting other parameters, and the adjustment was based on the two independent cases for solo-LTR of HORT1 and miR858.

Comprehensive consideration of the heterogeneous spatial distribution of full-length HORT1 and solo-LTR of HORT1

Identification of both full-length HORT1 and solo-LTR of HORT1 in the flower of harlequin P. Yushan Little Pearl indicated the existence of heterogeneous transcription activity of PeMYB11 in sepal/petal tissue. To simulate the effect of heterogeneous transcription activity of PeMYB11, we assigned piece-wise \({G}_{A}\) values to the computation grids. The assignment rule is illustrated in Fig. 11. The value of \({G}_{A\_pur}\) is larger than the standard value 0.08. The value of GA_whi was assigned as 0.0296 by multiplying the standard GA value (= 0.08) by 0.37 according to the experimental data for the effect of inserting the full-length HORT1 in promoter activity by using dual luciferase assay (2). The transcription of PeMYB11 is strongly inhibited in the white region. Consequently, even though harlequin Phalaenopsis cultivars are tetraploid plants, we used only one-fold of the value 0.0296 (= 0.08 × 0.37) to resemble the inhibition effect of insertion of the full-length HORT1 on PeMYB11 transcription.

Fig. 11
figure 11

A comparison of the floral pattern of P. Yushan Little Pearl (left) and the simulated pattern (right). The simulation results recapitulated the characteristic pattern of harlequin P. Yushan Little Pearl, including a sharp separation between purple and white regions, large anthocyanin spots, and high levels of spot fusion. The simulation parameter values are as follows: \({{G}_{A\_pur}=7, {G}_{A\_whi}=0.0296, G}_{H}=0.12,{D}_{A}=0.01,{D}_{H}=0.5,{\mu }_{A}=0.01,{\mu }_{H}=0.03, {\rho }_{A}=0.01\)

Visualization of the pattern of simulated PeMYB11 and PeMYBx levels

To visualize the patterns, the 2-D solutions of PeMYB11 and PeMYBx were colored by plotting the heatmaps of the 100 × 100 matrix using Matplotlib and seaborn packages. When each parameter assigned to each computation grid was uniform, we set a threshold of 2 \(\upmu M\) for visualizing the pattern. When piece-wise \({G}_{A}\) was assigned, an additional threshold \(T\) > 2 \(\upmu M\) was defined for a deep coloring layer to mimic the floral-color gradient filling of flowers of P. Yushan Little Pearl. To obtain a consistent color-filling rule over different pairs of \({G}_{A\_pur}\) and \({G}_{A\_whi}\) values, \(T\) was defined as the \({}^{{G}_{A\_whi}}\!\left/ \!{}_{{G}_{A\_pur}}\right.\) proportion of the maximum PeMYB11 level.

Availability of data and materials

The code for pattern simulation is available at



Harlequin orchid retrotransposon 1


Long terminal repeat






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We thank the Brother Orchid Nursery (Taichung, Taiwan), and Yaphon Orchid (Taichung, Taiwan) for providing plant materials of harlequin Phalaenopsis orchids for observing the various pigmentation patterning.


This research was supported in part by Higher Education Sprout Project, Ministry of Education to the Headquarters of University Advancement at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU). This work was supported by a grant from the National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan (grant no.: MOST 111–2313-B-006 -004 -MY3).

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Authors and Affiliations



Lu, T.W. performed the analysis, and wrote the manuscript; Chen, W.H. provided suggestions for the harlequin Phalaenopsis plant materials; Chen, P.Y. provided solid discussions and suggestions; Shu, Y.C. helped the numerical analysis and suggestions for manuscript preparations; Chen, H.H. initiated the study and wrote the manuscript. All authors reviewed the manuscript. All authors reviewed the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Yu-Chen Shu or Hong-Hwa Chen.

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All the Phalaenopsis cultivars are commercially available. The authenticity of the plant materials was verified by each orchid nursery owner. Experimental research and field studies on plants, including the collection of plant material, comply with relevant institutional, national, and international guidelines and legislation. A voucher specimen of these materials has been deposited in a publicly available herbarium at NCKU.

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Lu, TW., Chen, WH., Chen, PY. et al. Perturbation of periodic spot-generation balance leads to diversified pigmentation patterning of harlequin Phalaenopsis orchids: in silico prediction. BMC Plant Biol 24, 681 (2024).

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