Archived Comments for:
Deficiency of maize starch-branching enzyme i results in altered starch fine structure, decreased digestibility and reduced coleoptile growth during germination
The reference 65 is mispelled Dumeza S, Wattebleda F, Dauvilleea D, Delvallea D, Planchotb V, Ball SG, D'Hulsta C: Mutants of Arabidopsis .... should be
Mispelled reference
8 July 2011
The reference 65 is mispelled
Dumeza S, Wattebleda F, Dauvilleea D, Delvallea D, Planchotb V, Ball SG, D'Hulsta C: Mutants of Arabidopsis ....
should be
Dumez S, Wattebled F, Dauvillee D, Delvalle D, Planchot V, Ball SG, D'Hulst C: Mutants of Arabidopsis .....
Competing interests
None declared