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Fig. 5 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 5

From: Chalkiness and premature controlled by energy homeostasis in OsNAC02 Ko-mutant during vegetative endosperm development

Fig. 5

The GO enrichment of DEGs in N2/ N3 mutant vs WT. The gene enrichments of the GO analysis including the top 9 GO pathways of the biological process (purple), the cellular component (green), the molecular function (yellow). a The top 9 pathways of GO enrichment in N2 vs WT. b The top 9 pathways of GO enrichment in N3 vs WT. c The GO bubble Statistics includes biological process (blue), cellular component (red), molecular function (green), which were in accordance with results in fig a and fig e. In the cellular component (red), the two GO pathways: GO:0009507-the chloroplast pathway and GO:0009535-the chloroplast thylakoid membrane pathway were significantly enriched in N2 vs WT. d The bubble analysis of Go pathways in the N3 vs WT. In molecular function (green), the GO:0005618-cell wall pathway is the most significantly enriched pathway. While less genes are enriched in the other cellular component (red) GO:0005739-mitochondrion pathway. e The results represents the top 20 GO pathways of seed transcriptome including the GO significantly enriched pathways as appearing in fig c and fig d

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