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Fig. 11 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 11

From: Identification of genetics and hormonal factors involved in Quercus robur root growth regulation in different cultivation system

Fig. 11

The impact of cultivation systems: rhizotron (black color), container (grey color), and transplanted (hashed lines) on tZ (A) and 2iP (B) concentrations in the meristematic zone of short, medium, and long taproots of Q. robur seedlings. Each point represents the mean hormone values for each root length class in each cultivation system. The data points incorporate multiple individual roots from each cultivation system. Hormone concentration values were log10-transformed before statistical analysis, but figures present non-transformed data. The significance of variation between cultivation systems within length classes, i.e., short, medium, and long, results from an analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the results are presented for each length class panel. Different lowercase letters indicate significantly different means among different cultivation systems within a given length class at α = 0.05 according to Tukey’s test. Error bars represent the standard error

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