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Table 2 Influence of T. cf. asperellum and TiO2 NPs on photosynthetic pigments (mg g−1 leaf fwt) of barley plants infected with B. sorokiniana pathogen, and uninfected

From: Trichoderma cf. asperellum and plant-based titanium dioxide nanoparticles initiate morphological and biochemical modifications in Hordeum vulgare L. against Bipolaris sorokiniana

Parameters Treatments

Chl a

Chl b

Total chlorophylls


Total pigments

Chl a/Chl b


1.450 ± 0.038b

0.572 ± 0.015b

2.022 ± 0.053b

0.737 ± 0.019c

2.759 ± 0.073c

2.534 ± 0.067a

B. sorokiniana

1.063 ± 0.028d

0.460 ± 0.012c

1.523 ± 0.04d

0.716 ± 0.019c

2.240 ± 0.059d

2.312 ± 0.061b

TiO2 NPs

1.501 ± 0.039b

0.581 ± 0.0153ab

2.082 ± 0.055b

0.905 ± 0.024b

2.987 ± 0.079b

2.583 ± 0.068a

TiO2 NPs + B. sorokiniana

1.137 ± 0.031cd

0.441 ± 0.011c

1.578 ± 0.042cd

0.702 ± 0.018c

2.280 ± 0.06d

2.578 ± 0.068a

T. cf. asperellum

1.652 ± 0.044a

0.621 ± 0.0164a

2.273 ± 0.06a

1.052 ± 0.027a

3.325 ± 0.087a

2.660 ± 0.07a

T. cf. asperellum + B. sorokiniana

1.217 ± 0.032c

0.485 ± 0.013c

1.702 ± 0.045c

0.739 ± 0.0195c

2.441 ± 0.064d

2.507 ± 0.066ab

  1. Values are the mean ± standard error of the mean (n = 5). Data analysis was done by using Duncan’s multiple range test at p ≤ 0.05. The same letters within a column are not significantly different