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Table 1 Mitigation effect of thermopriming and α-tocopherol on the absolute growth rate, leaf area index, root shoot ratio, percent moisture content, emergence index, coefficient of the velocity of germination, final germination percentage,and mean germination time of B. napus under mercuric chloride stress

From: Mitigation effect of alpha-tocopherol and thermo-priming in Brassica napus L. under induced mercuric chloride stress


Germination index (GI)

Coefficient of velocity of germination (CVG)

Mean Emergence time (MET)

Emergence index (EI)

Final germination percentage (FGP)

Timson germination index (TGI)

Mean germination time (MGT)

Leaf area index (LAI)


763 ± 126b

1115 ± 316bc

5.67 ± 0.16abc

35.58 ± 6.38bc

84.00 ± 8.6abc

18.53 ± 1.61a

5.85 ± 0.31a

2.38 ± 0.4a


545 ± 58c

606 ± 163d

5.78 ± 0.26ab

24.34 ± 2.40c

65.33 ± 11.4de

10.13 ± 1.27e

5.78 ± 0.26ab

2.28 ± 0.5ab


568 ± 69bc

613 ± 144d

5.57 ± 0.09abc

25.40 ± 3.03bc

62.67 ± 7.5e

13.90 ± 2.09bc

5.67 ± 0.09abc

2.13 ± 0.2ab

Hg4ppm + 4 °C

591 ± 128bc

718 ± 193 cd

5.85 ± 0.31a

26.52 ± 7.73bc

70.67 ± 8.2cde

11.03 ± 1.75cde

5.67 ± 0.16abc

1.93 ± 0.1ab

Hg4ppm + 4 °C + tocopherol (150 m/L)

728 ± 118bc

933 ± 202 cd

5.55 ± 0.21abcd

34.31 ± 6.91bc

76.00 ± 5.6bcde

12.93 ± 1.65cde

5.55 ± 0.21abcd

2.39 ± 0.7a

Hg4ppm + 50 °C

1042 ± 122a

1900 ± 265a

5.52 ± 0.19abcd

48.83 ± 6.97a

98.67 ± 1.8a

10.33 ± 1.22de

5.52 ± 0.19abcd

2.07 ± 0.9ab

Hg4ppm + 50 °C + tocopherol(150 mg/L)

1080 ± 67a

1888 ± 229a

5.36 ± 0.01 cd

51.52 ± 2.99a

96.00 ± 3.2a

18.73 ± 1.14a

5.36 ± 0.01dc

1.98 ± 0.5ab

Hg8ppm + 4c

619 ± 40bc

723 ± 117 cd

5.66 ± 0.07abcd

28.70 ± 1.16bc

69.33 ± 6.8cde

11.27 ± 0.87cde

5.66 ± 0.07abcd

2.04 ± 0.1ab

Hg8ppm + 4 °C + tocopherol(150 mg/L)

761 ± 72b

1021 ± 192 cd

5.52 ± 0.08abcd

36.00 ± 3.48b

80.00 ± 8.6bcd

13.53 ± 1.29 cd

5.52 ± 0.08abcd

1.95 ± 0.6ab

Hg8ppm + 50 °C

986 ± 109a

1532 ± 274ab

5.31 ± 0.10bcd

47.56 ± 5.57a

84.00 ± 6.5abc

16.93 ± 1.68ab

5.31 ± 0.10 cd

2.03 ± 0.2ab

Hg8ppm + 50 °C + tocopherol150mg/L)

1006 ± 137a

1695 ± 362a

5.43 ± 0.13 cd

47.96 ± 7.76a

90.67 ± 6.8ab

17.60 ± 2.06a

5.43 ± 0.13bcd

1.22 ± 0.7b