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Fig. 3 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 3

From: Transcriptomics and physiology reveal the mechanism of potassium indole-3-butyrate (IBAK) mediating rice resistance to salt stress

Fig. 3

GO enrichment analysis histogram and DAG diagram in IBAKY vs. CKY. a GO enrichment analysis histogram; the abscissa is GO term, and the ordinate is the significance level of GO term enrichment, represented by -log10(padj). b, c, and d GO enrichment analysis DAG diagram; b, CC; c, MF; d, BP; each node represents a GO term; the box represents the GO with an enrichment degree of TOP5; the depth of the color represents the enrichment degree, and the redder the color, the higher the enrichment degree; the term name and the padj of the enrichment analysis are displayed on each node. BP, biological process; CC, cellular component; MF, molecular function

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