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Fig. 3 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 3

From: Compatibility systems and pollinator dependency in morning glory species (Convolvulaceae)

Fig. 3

Seed set in the 15 Convolvulaceae study species in Nong Khai province, Thailand. Average seed set (mean number of seeds per fruit ± SE) results from pollination experiments comparing different treatments (HCP: hand-cross-population pollination; O: open; OE: open emasculation; HC: hand cross-pollination; HS: hand self-pollination; C: closed) in 15 Convolvulaceae species in Nong Khai, Thailand: (A) Argyreia capitiformis, (B) A. lanceolata, (C) Camonea pilosa, (D) C. vitifolia, (E) Evolvulus nummularius, (F) Hewittia malabarica, (G) Ipomoea aquatica, (H) I. batatas, (I) I. cairica, (J) I. nil, (K) I. obscura, (L) I. pileata, (M) Merremia gemella, (N) M. hederacea, and (O) Operculina turpethum. Colors represent different degrees of pollinator dependence: blue = low dependence and receive high amounts of cross pollen (C, E, K, N); yellow = low dependence and receive low amounts of cross pollen (F, J); pink = high dependence (A, D, G, H, M, O); grey = inconclusive (B, I). [Note: Ipomoea pileata is shown as blue and yellow because it exhibits low dependence but amounts of cross pollen are unknown.] Treatments with different letters have significantly different seed set (Tukey’s post-hoc; p-values in the upper right corner of each graph). Sample sizes (n) listed above each treatment refer to the number of plants used in the experiment

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