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Fig. 4 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 4

From: The fruit morphometric variation and fruit type evolution of the stone oaks (Fagaceae, Lithocarpus)

Fig. 4

The thermal distribution center of 72 Lithocarpus species based on maximum likelihood phylogeny. Thicker line represents a higher support value. AC and ER type species were represented by red circles and blue triangles respectively. The thermal distribution center is represented by mean annual temperature (MAT) of the distribution median. From top to bottom, the box in pink, blue, green, purple and oranges are the main clades. T, ST and WT stands for tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions respectively. The orange and blue lines represent two major tropical and two major warm temperate lineages respectively. The current distribution is labeled for each species after the thermal distribution center. Countries and larger regions are represented by three letters (CHN-China, THL-Thailand, LAS-Laos, VNM-Vietnam, MAL-Malaysia, BND-Bangladesh, CMD-Cambodia, MYM-Myanmar, NEP-Nepal, JPN-Japan, PHP-Philippines, NGU-New Guinea, HIM-Himalaya, IN.CHN-Indo China). Islands and lower administrative divisions are represented by two letters (HN-Hainan, TW-Taiwan, AS-Assam, YN-Yunnan, BN-Borneo, SM-Sumatra)

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