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Fig. 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 2

From: Phylogenomics, plastome degradation and mycoheterotrophy evolution of Neottieae (Orchidaceae), with emphasis on the systematic position and Loess Plateau-Changbai Mountains disjunction of Diplandrorchis

Fig. 2

The evolution of plastomes in Neottieae. a Physically or functionally lost genes (> 50%) mapped on the ML tree. Mycoheterotrophic, mixotrophic, and autotrophic species are in blue, brown, and black, respectively. b Distribution patterns of protein-coding gene loss. The dark, light, and white boxes indicate presence, pseudogene, and absence of each gene, respectively. NADH = plastid NADH dehydrogenase-like complex; Phyotosynthesis = phyotosynthesis-related genes; PEP = plastid-encoded RNA polymerase; ATP = plastid ATP synthase

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