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Table 4 Correlations between 16 quantitative plant morphological traits for C. arcticum (225 individuals) and C. arcticum subsp. arcticum (326 individuals) (2018 data: C. arcticum plant height, inflorescence length, number of leaves, internode length, inflorescence diameter, disc floret diameter, flower petal length, flower fresh weight, flower dry weight and Δflower weight; 2019 data: C. arcticum leaf length, leaf width, petiole length, lamina length, number of days to visible bud date, number of days to flowering; and C. a. subsp. arcticum all 16 quantitative morphological traits)

From: Phenotypic differences among and within extant populations of Chrysanthemum arcticum L. and C. a. subsp. arcticum

  1. An asterisk (*) indicates a significant correlation coefficient (P ≤ 0.05)
  2. two asterisks (**) indicate a highly significant correlation coefficient (P ≤ 0.01) whereas a lack of any asterisk(s) denotes not significant