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Fig. 3 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 3

From: Key factors for differential drought tolerance in two contrasting wild materials of Artemisia wellbyi identified using comparative transcriptomics

Fig. 3

Significantly enriched KEGG pathways and DEGs involved in photosynthesis of Artemisia wellbyi under drought stress. A Significantly enriched KEGG pathways in drought-tolerant material which were annotated in B Significantly enriched KEGG pathways in drought-sensitive material. C DEGs involved in photosynthesis in drought-tolerant material. D DEGs involved in photosynthesis in drought-sensitive material. The size of node indicates the number of DEGs, and the red color represents a lower p-value while the blue color represents a higher p-value in Fig. 3A–B. The red color represents up-regulated genes while the blue color represents down-regulated genes in Fig. 3C–D. CK11, well-watered drought-tolerant material; T11, drought-tolerant material exposed to drought stress; CK6, well-watered drought-sensitive material; T6, drought-sensitive material exposed to drought stress

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