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Fig.4 | BMC Plant Biology


From: Suppression of GhGLU19 encoding β-1,3-glucanase promotes seed germination in cotton


Callose accumulation was altered in GhGLU19-overexpressing and GhGLU19-suppressing lines. A Callose accumulation in embryos, seed coats and inner integuments were measured in 4 h imbibed seeds of GhGLU19-overexpressing and GhGLU19-suppressing lines. te, testa; em, embryo; ii, inner integument. Three independent biological replicates were analyzed. Student’s t-test, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01. B Callose deposition at micropylar region of different transgenic seeds. Scanning electron micrographs of micropyle showed that callose was highly accumulated in micropylar region of transgenic seeds of GhGLU19-suppressing lines. me, micropylar endosperm. Scale bar, 50 μm. C Callose detection on transection of micropyle of different transgenic seeds. Sections were stained with 0.05% aniline blue buffer, and pictured under UV light. ce, callose envelope. Scale bar, 500 μm

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