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Fig. 1 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 1

From: De novo transcriptome assembly of the cotyledon of Camellia oleifera for discovery of genes regulating seed germination

Fig. 1

Characterization of C.oleifera seeds, and samples for RNA-seq. A Schematic illustration showing the structures including the plumule, cotyledonary petiole, hypocotyl, and huge cotyledon in seed of C.oleifera. B Seed or seedling of C.oleifera showing the cotyledon tissues (covered in brown seed coat) sampled for RNA-seq and hormone determination. CAM0: matured dry seed stored at 4℃, CAM2: imbibed seed soaked in purified water for 2 days, CAM4S: seed with the shell is broking, CAM6S: seed with the root growing to 2 cm in the sand stratification, CAM26S: seedling with the root growing to 10 cm in the sand stratification

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