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Fig. 3 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 3

From: Wound-induced signals regulate root organogenesis in Arabidopsis explants

Fig. 3

Effects of DPI on gene expressions during root organogenesis. A-D Expression of genes involved in root organogenesis. Leaf explants from the 9-day-old Col-0 seedlings were incubated on B5-agar plates containing 1 µM DPI for the indicated time periods. Leaf explants were harvested and expression of genes related to auxin biosynthesis (A), auxin transport (B), auxin perception (C), and root organogenesis (D) was analyzed using RT-qPCR. Biological triplicates were averaged. Letters indicate groups that are statistically significantly different from each other (P < 0.05, Tukey’s test). Whiskers indicate SD. (E) Spatial expression patterns of WOX11 in the leaf explants. Leaf explants from the 9-day-old WOX11pro:GUS transgenic seedlings were used for GUS staining. Leaf explants were incubated on B5-agar plats containing 1 µM DPI for the indicated time periods before GUS staining. Relative intensity of GUS signals near the wound site of the explants was measured using ImageJ software. Nine replicates were averaged and statistically analyzed using Student’s t-test (*, P < 0.05; difference from Mock). Scale bars indicate 0.5 mm. DAC, days after culture. Whiskers indicate ± SD

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