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Fig. 7 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 7

From: Microtubule organization changes severely after mannitol and n-butanol treatments inducing microspore embryogenesis in bread wheat

Fig. 7

A mannitol and n-butanol treatment (MANB) affects CMT and EMT in microspores and bi-nucleate structures. A1-A6 Late uni-nucleate microspore. A1 Few CMT fragments assembled mainly into very short thin bundles. A2-A3 Long, thick, and wavy aggregates of EMT in the cytoplasm in the vicinity of the nucleus (N). A4-A6 3D model of the subcellular volume of a similar structure. Few CMT fragments. Long, thick, and wavy aggregates of EMT observed in the cytoplasm around the nucleus (N). Superior visualisation axis model (A4). Volumetric ortho-slicer view from the forward (A5) and opposite site of the microspore model (A6). B1-B3 Late uni-nucleate microspore. B1 Numerous, short and non-preferentially oriented CMT assembled mainly into thick bundles. B2-B3 Thick bundles of MT (EMT and subcortical) encircling the midplane of the nucleus, resembling a PPB-like structure at the initial phase of formation. C1-C3 Bi-nucleate pollen-like structure with the generative-like nucleus (GLN) and the vegetative-like nucleus (VLN). C1 Few and highly fragmented CMT. C2-C3 Long, thick, and wavy aggregates of EMT forming a network with the VLN and the GLN. D1-D3 Bi-nucleate embryogenic structure. D1 Fine and very short CMT bundles without preferential orientation. D2-D3 Thick bundles of EMT encircling the midplanes of the sister nuclei (N). Cortex - CMT; z-series projected as a maximum intensity projection from cortex optical sections collected from the front (F) or from the back (B) side of microspore. Middle - optical section at the middle of the z-series. Middle+(Sub)Cortex B - Endoplasmic and (sub)cortical MT; z-series projected as a maximum intensity projection from middle and cortical optical sections collected from the back side (B) of microspore. Inserts on the upper-right corner in the first panels show a corresponding image in the differential interference contrast (DIC). The dashed line indicates the axis between the operculum (O) and the opposite pole. Prj – z-series projected as a maximum intensity from the front side (Prj F) or from the back side (Prj B) of microspore. Green fluorescence (Alexa 488) shows α-tubulin. Red fluorescence of nuclei is caused by PI staining. Red autofluorescence of exine. Scales =20 μm

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