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Fig. 6 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 6

From: ZjSEP3 modulates flowering time by regulating the LHY promoter

Fig. 6

ZjSEP3 interacts with the CArG-box motifs of the AtLHY and ZjLHY promoters. A Expression of ZjSEP3 and AtSEP3 in 35S::ZjSEP3 transgenic plants. B ZjSEP3 binds to the promoter of AtLHY by EMSA. The oligonucleotides (proLHY-C1/2/3 and proLHY-C1/2/3-m) were used as probes. The DNA sequences of proLHY-C2 and proLHY-C3 encode the motifs CC[A/T]6GG and C[A/T]8G, respectively, termed the CArG-box. The DNA sequence of proLHY-C1 is a highly similar sequence of CArG-boxes. Biotin-Probe-m is biotin-labeled probe with some nucleic acid mutations. MBP, MBP-ZjSEP3, biotin probe, labeled mutated probe (Biotin-Probe-m) and unlabeled probe (Cold-Probe) at 10x and 100x molar excess were present (+) or absent (−) in each reaction. C Interaction of full-length ZjSEP3 with different fragments of the AtLHY promoter. pC1, pC2 and pC3, the different CG-box of LHY promoter, were used as the reporter for Y1H; pGADT7-ZjSEP3 was used as the effector of Y1H. Transformed yeast cells containing both effector and reporter were plated on the selective medium SD/−Leu/−Ura/AbA. AbA, Aureobasidin A. pGADT-7 and pAbAi transformation yeast cells were used as negative control. D ZjSEP3 binds to the promoter of ZjLHY by EMSA

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