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Fig. 5 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 5

From: The origin and evolution of a two-component system of paralogous genes encoding the centromeric histone CENH3 in cereals

Fig. 5

A comparison of αCENH3 and βCENH3 sequences in B. sylvaticum. a Homologous regions in αCENH3 and βCENH3. Exons appear as finger-post arrows. Thin/thick black straight lines: the presence/absence of sequences in the alignment. In the Identity row: homology between the genes in this region, from 0 to 100%. b Aberrant splice sites in βCENH3 after deletion of two exons together with adjacent introns. The splice sites of exon 1 and exon 4 of αCENH3 (gt…ag). The exon sequence is in uppercase; the sequence of the putative splice site of the introns is in lowercase; +/−, matches/mismatches with the canonical GT|AG

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