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Fig. 1 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 1

From: Application of genome-wide insertion/deletion markers on genetic structure analysis and identity signature of Malus accessions

Fig. 1

The properties of structural variants (SVs) and the genome-wide distribution of insertion/deletion (InDel) markers selected between apple (Malus domestica) cultivars ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Jonathan’. a Proportion of each type of SV. DEL: deletion; INS: insertion; INV: inversion; ITX: intra-chromosomal translocation; CTX: inter-chromosomal translocation. Percentages and numerals in brackets indicate the proportion and number of different types of SV, respectively. b The fragment length of INS and DEL. c The genome-wide distribution of SVs and the 102 selected InDel markers. The rectangles in the outer-most whirl represent the chromosomes, the SVs cannot be reliably unanchored to any chromosome were marked by ‘unanchored’. The chromosome number and the physical position are labeled on the edges of the plot. The inner whirls represent the distribution of DEL, INS, INV, ITX, and CTX on each chromosome. The lines connecting in the center of the figure indicate the corresponding positions before and after the shifts due to ITX and CTX. The value corresponding to the chromaticity bar represents the logarithm of the number of SVs in the range of 0.2 Mb on the chromosome. ‘-1’ on the chromaticity bar corresponds to no SVs in the range of 0.2 Mb

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