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Fig. 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 2

From: Gametophyte and embryonic ontogeny: understanding the reproductive calendar of Cypripedium japonicum Thunb. (Cypripedoideae, Orchidaceae), a lady’s slipper orchid endemic to East Asia

Fig. 2

Development of ovule and megagametophyte in Cypripedium japonicum. a. Young ovular filament with archesporial cell. b-c. Young ovule with megaspore mother cell (MMC) and initiation of integument (arrow in C indicate plane of division in dermal cell). d. Anatropous, bitegmic ovule. e. First phase of meiosis division in MMC. f. Two unequal megaspore dyad (arrow indicates degenerating dyad of megaspore). g. Elongated functional dyad of megaspore. hi. Meiosis II in functional dyad of megaspore. Abbreviation: arc, archesporial cell; fc, functional dyad of megaspore; ii, inner integument; m, nucleus of functional dyad of megaspore; mmc, megaspore mother cells; oi, outer integument; s, spindle; v, vacuole. Scale bars:  a= 500 μm, b, c, e-i= 20 μm,  d= 50 μm

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