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Fig. 5 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 5

From: Ultrahigh-activity immune inducer from Endophytic Fungi induces tobacco resistance to virus by SA pathway and RNA silencing

Fig. 5

Transcriptome analysis after ZNC treatment in Nicotiana. Benthamiana. RNA samples were taken from five or six leaf stage leaves, which were treated with 0 (H2O) or 150 ng/mL of ZNC for 2 h. Each treatment contain three samples (plants). a A set of comparison heatmap for ZNC treatment at 2 hpi. The red color in the figure indicates the high-expression genes, and the blue color indicates the low-expression genes. b Volcano plot showing fold change and adjusted p-value of normalized read counts of the transcriptome sequencing data. The criteria of log2| (fold change) | ≥ 1 and padj ≤0.05 were used to identify the DEGs. Green dots indicate the downregulated DEGs (1983 genes), and red dots indicate the upregulated DEGs (2801 genes). c GO enrichment top 10 (upregulated) term of biological process. The numbers of -log10P value of differential genes between H2O and ZNC groups in every term > 2 were screened, and the top 10 terms were sorted by the -log10P value corresponding to each term. d Partial KEGG pathway classification. Abscissa axis is the ratio of DEG in a pathway: all DEG in KEGG level 2 pathway (%), ordinate axis is the name of pathway. The numbers above the column represent the quantity of DEG in the pathway.

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