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Fig. 8 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 8

From: Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of SWEET gene family in Litchi chinensis reveal the involvement of LcSWEET2a/3b in early seed development

Fig. 8

Spatial distribution of LcSWEET2a and LcSWEET3b mRNA in 15 DAA funicle and ovule of HY and NMC. Longitudinal sections of 15 DAA seed of HY (a) and NMC (b) were viewed under bright field. Longitudinal sections of 15 DAA funicle and ovule with sense RNA probes (c). Longitudinal sections of 15 DAA funicle and ovule of NMC (d) and HY (e, f) hybridized with antisense RNA probes for LcSWEET2a. Longitudinal sections of 15 DAA funicle and ovule of NMC (g) and HY (h, i) hybridized with antisense RNA probes for LcSWEET3b. Magnified views of the SE/CC and PP were inside the black virtual frame on the left top corner of (e and h). Red arrows indicate the LcSWEET2a and LcSWEET3b signals. S, seed; O, ovule; F, funicle. SE/CC, Sieve element-companion cell. PP, parenchyma cells. Bars = 2000 μm (a, b), 200 μm (c-i), 50 μm (magnified views of the SE/CC and PP)

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