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Fig. 6 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 6

From: Low pH effects on reactive oxygen species and methylglyoxal metabolisms in Citrus roots and leaves

Fig. 6

Effects of low pH on [ascorbate (ASC) + dehydroascorbate (DHA)] (a, i), ASC (b, j) and DHA (c, k) concentrations, ASC/(ASC + DHA) ratio (d, l), [reduced glutathione (GSH) + oxidized glutathione (GSSG)] (e, m), GSH (f, n) and GSSG (g, o) concentrations, and GSH/(GSH + GSSG) ratio (h, p) in Citrus grandis and Citrus sinensis leaves (a-h) and roots (i-p). Bar represent mean ± SE (n = 8). Different letters above the bars indicate a significant difference at P < 0.05

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