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An extracted tetraploid wheat harbouring the BBAA component of common wheat shows anomalous shikimate and sucrose metabolism

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Online attention

Altmetric score 1
  • 1 tweeters
  • 11 Mendeley

This article is in the 14th percentile (ranked 263,073rd) of the 350,492 tracked articles of a similar age in all journals and the 27th percentile (ranked 75th) of the 118 tracked articles of a similar age in BMC Plant Biology

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Altmetric calculates a score based on the online attention an article receives. Each coloured thread in the circle represents a different type of online attention. The number in the centre is the Altmetric score. Social media and mainstream news media are the main sources that calculate the score. Reference managers such as Mendeley are also tracked but do not contribute to the score. Older articles often score higher because they have had more time to get noticed. To account for this, Altmetric has included the context data for other articles of a similar age.