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Fig. 4 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 4

From: Cloning and characterization of norbelladine synthase catalyzing the first committed reaction in Amaryllidaceae alkaloid biosynthesis

Fig. 4

Reverse transcription quantitative PCR analysis of NpNBS expression in different tissues of N. pseudonarcissus ‘King Alfred’. Plant tissues were harvest after flowering in spring. Graph is plotted using normalized ddCT values scaled to lowest ddCq value by dividing ddCq of a sample with a minimum ddCq value identified among the samples [39]. Histone was used for internal reference. Expression fold change were calculated using the comparative 2-ΔΔCt method from three independent replicates. Bars represent the mean standard deviation of three independent replicates. Abbreviations: tissues are BB, bulb; RT, root; ST, stem; LF, leaf; FL, flower

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