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Fig. 5 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 5

From: Dual positive and negative control of Chlamydomonas PII signal transduction protein expression by nitrate/nitrite and NO via the components of nitric oxide cycle

Fig. 5

Effects of reduced THB1 levels on GLB1 expression and NO generation. a Time course of the GLB1 transcripts accumulation during incubation of cw15–325 and amiRNA-THB1 cells in 4 mM nitrite-containing medium with or without DEA-NONOate (100 μM). Values are means ± SE of three biological replicates and three technical replicates and are given as expression level relative to a house-keeping gene RACK1 that has a value of 1. b Fluorescence increase was measured in cw15–325 and amiRNA-THB1 cells following the incubation in 4 mM nitrate with or without of DEA-NONOate (100 μM) for 15 min. Fluorescence intensity due to intracellular NO was determined using DAF-FM DA and was expressed as arbitrary units per μg protein. Cell autofluorescence was subtracted from the total fluorescence obtained. Data are the means±SE from three technical replicates of a representative experiment. Production of NO was measured by the microplate reader CLARIOstar (BMG)

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