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Figure 5 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 5

From: Characterisation of the tryptophan synthase alpha subunit in maize

Figure 5

Identification of Zm TSA as component of the tryptophan synthase complex. The approach is exemplified by the peptides ALR (A-D, m/z = 359.151) and GTTFEDVISMVK (E-H, m/z = 663.860). These fragments are characteristic for ZmTSA (B, F) and were absent in ZmTSAlike (C, G) and ZmTSB1 (D, H). Both fragments were identified in a trypsin hydrolysate of the active tryptophan synthase fraction (A, E). The peptide and the corresponding 13C/34S isotopic peaks were detected (inserts in A, B, E, F).

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