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Figure 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 2

From: Transcriptome mining, functional characterization, and phylogeny of a large terpene synthase gene family in spruce (Piceaspp.)

Figure 2

GCMS total ion chromatogram of products formed by the representative monoterpene synthases PsTPS-Car1, Pg×eTPS-Cin, PgTPS-Lin, PsTPS-Phel-1, and PsTPS-Pin when incubated with GPP. (A) PsTPS-Car1: 1. (-)-α-pinene, 2. (+)-sabinene, 3. myrcene, 4. (+)-3-carene, 5. β-phellandrene, 6. γ-terpinene, 7. terpinolene, 8. terpinen-4-ol, 9. α-terpineol; (B) Pg×eTPS-Cin: 1. (+)-α-pinene, 2. β-pinene, 3. myrcene, 4. 1,8-cineole, 5. γ-terpinene, 6. unknown, 7. (-)-α-terpineol, 8. unknown; (C) PgTPS-Lin: 1. (-)-linalool; (D) PsTPS-Phel-1: 1. (-)-α-pinene, 2. (-)-β-pinene, 3. myrcene, 4. α-phellandrene, 5. β-phellandrene, 6. terpinolene; (E) PsTPS-Pin: 1. (-)-α-pinene, 2. camphene, 3. (-)-β-pinene, 4. myrcene, 5. β-phellandrene, 6. linalool.

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