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Archived Comments for: Does epigenetic polymorphism contribute to phenotypic variances in Jatropha curcas L.?

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  1. Are those plants clones?

    Isidro Ovando, Center of Biosciences-University of Chiapas (Mexico)

    15 March 2011

    I'm surprised by the results, specifically the follow: ..."A total number of 575 bands were identified by fAFLP analysis of all 162 individuals, out of which only 3 poly morphic bands were detected in 5 plants from China and India. This represents that only 0.52% of bands were polymorphic"..."RAPD, DAMD, SSR...SCAR...all failed to detect a single polymorphism in our samples...

    Those results are equivalent to state that J. curcas studied are clones, which is difficult to explain, especially considering that samples came from seeds (...jatropha seeds were collected in five countries on three continents...)

    I think the contributions of that investigation are really important about epigenetic variation in this species, but I think too that is unlikely the claim "...all the genotyping methods together are not sensi-
    tive enough to identify genetic diversity among the collections..."

    A comment about this from the authors would be important.

    Competing interests

