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Figure 5 | BMC Plant Biology

Figure 5

From: Genetic fine-mapping of DIPLOSPOROUS in Taraxacum (dandelion; Asteraceae) indicates a duplicated DIP-gene

Figure 5

One hypothetical composition of the DIP -locus in T. officinale. The scheme visualizes the recombination types between S7 and S10, concerning types II to IV from Figures 3 and 4, with further subdivision. The distances follow the fine-map of Figure 2C and the drawings follow Figure 1A. The most left type shows the non-DIP homolog's (dotted lines) in addition to the recombinant homolog (black line = DIP-part of the chromosome) of the triploid F1, and the other types show the S7/S10-recombinant homolog's only. Number of plants (n), penetrance of diplospory (p, in %), and reproduction types (DIP, MEI) are indicated. DIP1 and DIP2 (large grey boxes) represent the duplicated DIP-genes and En1 and En2 (smaller grey boxes) the enhancers or cis-regulators, with their segregation rates indicated. According to the results, DIP1 in combination with En1 results in full penetrance of diplospory, whereas one of the DIP genes alone or DIP2 in combination with En2 show reduced penetrance. Following this scheme, part of the recombinants of types II and III are supposed to actually belong to types IV and V, respectively. Alternative models tend to become more complex and are discussed in the text.

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