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Archived Comments for: A nematode demographics assay in transgenic roots reveals no significant impacts of the Rhg1locus LRR-Kinase on soybean cyst nematode resistance

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  1. Why wasnt the RLK protein abundance measured?

    David Lightfoot, SIUC

    12 November 2010

    Melito et al., 2010 suggested that the RLK at Rhg1 was involved in root development but not the nematode development as shown by others (Ruben et al 2006 Afzal et al., 2008; Srour et al 2010). Sadly, the Melito et al study was flawed by the lack of an analysis of the target RLK protein abundance despite the available antibodies. The antibodies were offered freely and repeatedly to the PI. Stable transgenic soybean show the RLK is indeed a major resistance gene with effects on 3 pests, SCN, F.virguliforme and insect herbivory. See the first reports at Srour Ali , Simmonds Daina , David A Lightfoot (2010) The rhg1/Rfs2 locus isolated in transgenic plants. Plant and Animal Genome Conference Proceedings P704 : Transformation. This message will be updated when the papers in review are published.

    Competing interests

    Clearly, as the co-discoverer of the RLK at rhg1, I have a significant interest.
