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Fig. 4 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 4

From: Utilization of natural alleles for heat adaptability QTLs at the flowering stage in rice

Fig. 4

Comparison of superior allele and IA pyramiding and phenotypic performance of RHSR, chalkiness degree (HCD), amylose content (HAC), gel consistency (HGC), gelatinization temperature (HGT) under heat stress. (A) RHSR and HCD of SA and IA of full population heat-tolerant QTL with different CHALK5 haplotype in indica. (B) RHSR and HCD of SA and IA of full population heat-tolerant QTL with different CHALK5 haplotype in japonica. (C) RHSR and HCD of SA and IA of indica-specific heat-tolerant QTL with different CHALK5 haplotype in indica. (D) RHSR, HAC and HGC of SA and IA of full population heat-tolerant QTL with different WX haplotype in indica. (E) RHSR, HAC and HGC of SA and IA of full population heat-tolerant QTL with different WX haplotype in japonica. (F) RHSR, HAC and HGC of SA and IA of indica-special heat-tolerant QTL with different WX haplotype in indica. (G) RHSR and HGT of SA and IA of full population heat-tolerant QTL with different CHALK5 haplotype in indica. (H) RHSR and HGT of SA and IA of full population heat-tolerant QTL with different CHALK5 haplotype in japonica. (I) RHSR and HGT of SA and IA of indica-specific heat-tolerant QTL with different CHALK5 haplotype in indica. (J) RHSR, HCD, HAC, HGT of SA and IA of full population heat-tolerant QTL with CHALK5/WX/ALK and chalk5/wx/alk in indica. (K) RHSR, HCD, HAC, HGT of SA and IA of full population heat-tolerant QTL with CHALK5/WX/ALK in japonica. (L) RHSR, HCD, HAC, HGT of SA and IA of indica population heat-tolerant QTL with CHALK5/WX/ALK and chalk5/wx/alk in indica

Note: Dotted line means trends of phenotypic change. Formula means the fitting degree of regression line to the observed value

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