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Fig. 12 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 12

From: Genome wide association analysis of root hair traits in rice reveals novel genomic regions controlling epidermal cell differentiation

Fig. 12

Region D13 on chromosome 12 related to RHD in ind A Chromosome-wide Manhattan plots of HDRA SNPs (left) and all RICE-RP SNPs in a chromosome-wide scan (right). The grey region indicates the genomic region. B r2 based linkage analysis of the SNPs in this region. SNPs were randomly thinned and included in linkage analysis. Stronger linkage is represented by red coloring. A linkage block around the MS-SNP is outlined in green. C Magnification of the RICE-RP chromosome-wide Manhattan plot of the genomic region. Below, haplotypes are displayed with blue representing the reference alleles and yellow, alternate, across this region. Heterozygotes or missing reads are displayed as white

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