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Fig. 8 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 8

From: The LEA gene family in tomato and its wild relatives: genome-wide identification, structural characterization, expression profiling, and role of SlLEA6 in drought stress

Fig. 8

GO annotation and enrichment analyses of SlLEA genes. a Statistical graph of the secondary classification of GO. Horizontal coordinates represent the secondary classification of GO ontology, and vertical coordinates represent the number of genes present in each classification entry, thus indicating the number and enrichment of target genes in each GO term. b Directed acyclic graph of GO. The GO term closer to the root node is more general, and the GO term branching down is annotated to a finer level. The first 10 GO terms with the highest salience are rectangular, and the other GO terms are circular. The darker the color, the more significant the GO term, from light to dark: no color, light yellow, dark yellow, and red, respectively. c Significant bubble plot. The top 20 significantly enriched GO terms are displayed by default. The color represents the P-value, the bubble size represents the number of genes enriched to this GO term, and the rich factor in the horizontal coordinate of the bubble plot represents the ratio of the number of differentially expressed genes located in this GO term to the total number of genes located in this GO term among all annotated genes (i.e., the larger the ratio, the greater the enrichment). d Enrichment circle map. The first circle is the enriched classification, and the outside of the circle is a coordinate scale for the number of genes, with different colors representing different classifications. The second circle shows the number of that classification in the background genes and the P-value, whereby the more genes the longer the bar and the smaller the value the redder the color. The third circle shows the total number of foreground genes. The fourth circle shows the rich factor value for each classification (i.e., the number of foreground genes in that classification divided by the number of background genes), with each small cell of the background auxiliary line indicating 0.1

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