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Fig. 7 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 7

From: Floral attractants in the black orchid Brasiliorchis schunkeana (Orchidaceae, Maxillariinae): clues for presumed sapromyophily and potential antimicrobial activity

Fig. 7

Histochemical tests showing: the transverse sections through dorsal sepal a with numerous idioblasts with raphides, especially at the apex. b papillate, stained positively on lipids, with lipid droplets (SBB). c test with FeCl3. d sessile trichome present in the middle part of the dorsal sepal. The transverse sections through lateral sepal: e PAS. f thin parietal cytoplasm stained in SBB. Petal: g lipids indicated strongly, similarly as in dorsal sepal and lip (SBB). ab—abaxial (outer) surface, ad—adaxial (inner) surface, n—nucleus, r—idioblasts with raphides, vb—vascular bundle

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