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Fig. 7 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 7

From: Comparative analysis of mitochondrial genomes of maize CMS-S subtypes provides new insights into male sterility stability

Fig. 7

The sterility-stable subtype CMS-Sb displayed reduced mitochondrial function in anther as compared CMS-Sa. a Mitochondria biogenesis in leaf and anther of fertile, CMS-Sa, and CMS-Sb, as illustrated by relative abundance of mitochondrial DNA versus nuclear DNA. Mitochondrial DNA levels were measured by two independent primer pairs of mitochondria, then normalized to the internal standard nucleus-encoded single-copy fragment. Data are mean ± s.e.m. (n = 6). b and c Transcripts abundances of representative mitochondria encoding genes nad1 (B) and nad2 (C) of Complex I. Abundances shown are relative to the level of CMS-sb (set to 1). Data are mean ± s.e.m. (n = 3). d Relative transcripts levels of mitochondria encoding genes in leaf and anther tissues. Transcripts levels were normalized to the minimum means among four groups (set to 1). The relative positions of genes as indicated by horizontal lines in the mitochondrial schematic map of CMS-S

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