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Fig. 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 2

From: Floral morphology and phenology of Sassafras tzumu (Lauraceae)

Fig. 2

Photographs of the inflorescences of Sassafras tzumu (Hemsl.) Hemsl. A, vegetative winter bud; B, pseudoterminal inflorescences displaying subtending involucral bracts; C, pseudoterminal inflorescences displaying the true vegetative terminal bud in the center; D, involucral bracts displaying transitional variation from oblong bud scales to linear involucral bracts; E–G, photographs and illustrations of inflorescences displaying variation; E, inflorescence displaying opposite, verticillate and alternate flowers from the bottom upwards; F, inflorescence displaying verticillate and alternate flowers; G, inflorescence displaying verticillate and alternate flowers and an proximal umbel with two flowers in place of one flower. Photos by Zhi Yang

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