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Fig. 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 2

From: Maize growth response to different Bacillus strains isolated from a salt-marshland area under salinity stress

Fig. 2

Represents Hierarchical cluster analysis of the effect of isolates on maize plants under control and salinity stress (100 mM salt stress) drown by CLUSTER and Treeview softwares. Hierarchical clustering was done based on the Euclidian distance and complete linkage method. Colors indicate the impacts of isolates on the plants. Accordingly, red, green, and black colors show positive, negative, and no-effect isolates, respectively. The horizontal axis indicate plant growth parameters: Whole weight (WW), Root dry weight (RDW), Root length (RL), Shoot dry weight (ShDW), Shoot length (ShL), Whole length (WL). Vertical axis showes the assayed bacterial isolates

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