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Fig. 5 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 5

From: Sand supplementation favors tropical seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in eutrophic bay: implications for seagrass restoration and management

Fig. 5

Schematic pictures of the effect of sediment on the photosynthesis, stable isotope sulfur (δ34S), FAA (free amino acid) and flavone of seagrasses. a indicated that seagrass growing in sediment in eutrophic bay with lower particle size, showed smaller rETR (relative electron transport rate) and EkETR (the minimum saturating irradiance), while higher FAA and Flavone accumulated in the belowground tissue to counteract anoxic stress. b indicated that beach sand addition indirectly enhanced rETR and EkETR by improving the growth condition for seagrass with lower flavone and FAA. N: sediment nitrogen. S: sediment sulfur. Eh: sediment redox potential, measuring the oxidation/reduction state. The bigger the circle, the higher the content or value

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