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Fig. 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 2

From: Integration of transcriptomic and proteomic analyses reveals several levels of metabolic regulation in the excess starch and early senescent leaf mutant lses1 in rice

Fig. 2

Identification and analysis of DEGs (differentially expressed genes) expressed in clusters between the wild type (WT) and the lses1 mutant. A The ratio of reads in the transcriptome. C1-C3, wild-type repeats 1-3; D1-D3, lses1 mutant repeats 1-3. B Statistical results of the DEGs. C Heatmap of the DEGs. C1-C3, wild-type repeats 1-3; D1-D3, lses1 mutant repeats 1-3; I and II represent clusters I and II with similar gene expression patterns, respectively. D GO-BP enrichment analysis of DEGs from the two clusters. The top 15 GO categories of each cluster are shown. E The expression levels of six DEGs and LSES1 in RNA-seq and RT-qPCR

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