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Fig. 2 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 2

From: Profiling the cell walls of seagrasses from A (Amphibolis) to Z (Zostera)

Fig. 2

Circular stacked bar plot showing monosaccharide composition of five different fractions after sequential extraction of the different total seagrasses. Solvents: a: water, b: ammonium oxalate, c: hydrochloric acid, d: sodium carbonate, e: potassium hydroxide. The bar represents neutral monosaccharides + uronic acids = 100%. Therefore, uronic acids make up the blank space up to 100%, thus leading to a negative correlation of the height of the bar and the uronic acid content. For further clarification, detailed values for neutral monosaccharides in % (mol/mol) and uronic acids in % (w/w) are given in Table S3. Aa: Amphibolis antarctica, Cn: Cymodocea nodosa, Ea: Enhalus acoroides, Th: Thalassia hemprichii, Pa: Posidonia australis, Ps: Posidonia sinuosa, R: Ruppia sp., Zm: Zostera marina, Zn: Zostera noltii

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