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Fig. 10 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 10

From: Genome-wide identification of PIP5K in wheat and its relationship with anther male sterility induced by high temperature

Fig. 10

Comparison between appearance and transections of the trinuclear stage anthers and pollen grains in Normal and HT-ms plants. a The morphology of Normal (above the white line) and HT-ms (below the white line) anthers at the trinuclear stage. Anther (b) and pollen grains (c) from a Normal plant stained with KI-I2 solution. Anther (d) and pollen grains (e) from a HT-ms plant stained with KI-I2 solution. f Cross sections of a Normal locule at the trinuclear stage of development. g Cross sections of a HT-ms locule at trinuclear stage of development. Cross sections were stained for 20 min with 1% SafraninO, followed by staining for 40s–60s with 1% Fast Green. Deh, dehiscence. Bars = 2 cm (a), 200 μm in (b and d), 100 μm in (c, e, f, g)

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