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Fig. 6 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 6

From: Predominantly symplastic phloem unloading of photosynthates maintains efficient starch accumulation in the cassava storage roots (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

Fig. 6

A model of sucrose symplastic phloem unloading in the storage root of cassava. Long–distance transported SUC in the SE enters the CC and PC predominantly through plasmodesmata, with the exception of a few SUCs that are transported by SUTs. These SUC molecules are primarily catabolized by SuSy into fructose and nucleoside diphosphate–glucose (UDPG), which enter starch synthesis in the amyloplast. Occasionally, SUC can be stored temporarily in vacuoles by SUT or HT in a hexose form. This structured energy-saving model accounts for the highly efficient starch accumulation observed in cassava storage roots. This model diagram was performed by Micro software Powerpoint 2016

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