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Fig. 4 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 4

From: The genetic basis of water‐use efficiency and yield in lettuce

Fig. 4

QTL identification for water-use-associated traits in the RIL population. Bars represent each LG with position in centiMorgan on the left, LG number at the top of each bar and horizontal lines indicating marker positions. QTL are shown as filled boxes to the right of each LG representing the 1-LOD interval, with error bars showing the 2-LOD interval for QTL detected in the well-watered (blue), Dr1 (red) and Dr2 (black) trials. 13 C, Δ13C, FW, fresh weight; FW_ Lf56, fresh weight of fifth and sixth true leaves, FW:DW, fresh:dry weight ratio; gs, stomatal conductance, E, transpiration, E:DW, transpiration:(dry weight) ratio; Temp, leaf temperature measured via porometry, IR, leaf temperature measured via IR thermography

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