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Fig. 5 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 5

From: Comparative functional genomics analysis of cytochrome P450 gene superfamily in wheat and maize

Fig. 5

Co-expression modules of TaCYP450s. a Radar charts of expression values of TaCYP450s in 10 modules with the most obvious tissue-specific expression trends. The radar chart displays over a gray polygonal layout. Each axis represents one kind of tissue and each point in gray polygonal layout is labeled with the tissue. But we only showed part of the tissues with tissue-specific genes. The larger the radius of a ring represents the higher level of gene expression. Each ring is labeled with a number that represents gene expression level. The expression values of each gene in the corresponding module along each axis of the radar chart are connected linearly to visualize the data set as a polygon, and the different color polygons represent different genes. RCE: Root at cotyledon emergence stage; RLP.03: Root at three leaves visible stage; RSE.99: Root at maximum stem length reached stage; SSE.00: Stem at stem elongation begins stage; SSE.02: Stem at two nodes or internodes visible stage; LCE: Leaf at cotyledon emergence stage; L3N: Leaf at main shoot and axillary shoots visible at three nodes stage; LF1: Leaf at whole plant fruit formation stage 30 to 50%; ISE.99: Inflorescence at maximum stem length reached stage; IFL.02: Inflorescence at 1/2 of flowers open stage; FR: Fruit at whole plant fruit ripening stage. b Top 20 most significantly enriched pathways in purple module. c Top 20 most significantly enriched pathways in lightgreen module. d Top 70 most significantly enriched GO terms in biological process category in a two-dimensional semantic space of purple module. Color intensity reflects the significance of enrichment test. Circle radiuses depict the sizes of the aggregated GO terms. e Top 70 most significantly enriched GO terms in biological process category in a two-dimensional semantic space of lightgreen module

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