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Fig. 6 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 6

From: Auxin is involved in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi-promoted tomato growth and NADP-malic enzymes expression in continuous cropping substrates

Fig. 6

IAA mediated AMF-induced growth, root and NADP-ME activity in tomato seedlings. a Fresh weight. b Dry weight. c The root activity of tomato seedlings. d The NADP-ME activity of tomato seedlings. e The expression of NADP-ME1. f The expression of NADP-ME2. After inoculation with AMF for 15 d, IAA and TIBA were irrigated every 5 d, and the data were determined at 30 d. The results represent the means ± SE. Means with the same letter did not significantly differ at P< 0.05, according to Tukey’s test. Three independent experiments were performed, with similar results. NM: tomato seedlings cultivated in the continuous cropping substrate; AM: tomato seedlings cultivated in the continuous cropping substrate inoculation with AMF; AT: tomato seedlings cultivated in the continuous cropping substrate inoculation with AMF and irrigated with TIBA; NT: tomato seedlings cultivated in the continuous cropping substrate irrigated with TIBA; NI: tomato seedlings cultivated in the continuous cropping substrate irrigated with IAA; NTI: tomato seedlings cultivated in the continuous cropping substrate irrigated with TIBA, and then irrigated with IAA after 24 h

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