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Table 5 Chosen features of the classifiers used in the study

From: Identification of plant leaf phosphorus content at different growth stages based on hyperspectral reflectance

Name of WEKA classifier’s library

Algorithm description


Used parameters

Multilayer Perceptron

Neural networks with backpropagation used for tuning the weights of a neural net based on the error rate (i.e. loss).


AutoBuild: true;

Learning rate: 0.3;

Momentum: 0.1;

Training time: 500

Hidden layers = 25


This library enables users to deal with One-class SVM, Regressing SVM, and nu-SVM. Many useful statistics are allowed including confusion matrix, precision estimation, ROC score.


SVM Type: nu-SVC;

Kernel Type: radial basis function;

Nu: 0.g;

gamma: 0.1;

degree: 3

Normalize: true;

Probability Estimates: true


Used for building and using a multinomial logistic regression model with a ridge estimator.


Debug: false;

MaxIts: −1;

Ridge: 1.0E-6

Random Forests

This classifier enables to create forest of random trees. It induces each constituent decision tree from a bootstrap sample of the training data


Debug: false;

MaxDepth: 0;

Num of Features: 0;

Num of Trees: 10;

Seed: 1