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Fig. 9 | BMC Plant Biology

Fig. 9

From: Changes in plastid biogenesis leading to the formation of albino regenerants in barley microspore culture

Fig. 9

Comparison of albino and green regenerants of ‘Jersey’ and ‘Mercada’ cultivars. a The relative expression level of genes related to transcription, translation and protein import to plastids in albino regenerants of cvs. ‘Mercada’ and ‘Jersey’ compared to corresponding green regenerant. Graphs show mean values of n ≥ 3 with SEM. Relative expression level was normalised to green regenerants of each cultivar. A hash indicates a value significantly different between green and albino plants within cultivar (t-Student test, P < 0.05). b Electropherograms and gel image of the RNAs isolated from green (GP) and albino (AP) regenerants showing nuclear and plastid rRNAs content using Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. c Types and number of plastids in single cross-section of mesophyll cell of albino regenerants of both cultivars. d Morphology of plastids observed in albino and green plants of cv. ‘Jersey’ and cv. ‘Mercada’. Graph shows mean values of n ≥ 100 with SD. Scale bars = 200 nm. Cp – prolamellar body, Gr – granum, Ty – thylakoid

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